
Friday, March 1, 2013

Saturn Retro 2013, 17- Reviewing 2008, 2009

Day 14- Annual Saturn Retrograde, 2013, 1st Mar, Friday. After a barrage of theoretical posts filled with colourful diagrams, today will be rather literary personal post. Where I take the existing period highly ideal for retrogression/ regression to travel backwards in time and retrospect/ review about saturn retro 2009 and 2008. And begin this post category "Saturn Retro Reviews".

In Saturn Retro, 2008, I teamed with one of my wife's friends Shreya  and a furniture company Wood Age, in Lajpat nagar, to form a big company / collaborative  in order to approach Medicty group for designing some very high ened villas. Larger/ grander/ bigger than life. But all it led to was myself and Shreya doing a toy shop in DT-Mega mall in Gurgaon, behind Bistrol hotel. The project itself was full of hitches. but MOSTLY once saturn turned directional, the whole endeavour flopped and I became less useful than a used tissue. I had
begun my grandest career move during the prime of saturn retrograde. that same season my dearest and favourite relative, fellow occult traveller Runima mami expired and yet I couldnt make time to return to hometown guwhati to pay my last homage and tribute. that regret will forever remain with me. So much was I proccupied with the grand developments, societal approvals of my sudden career breakthru that I couldnt make time for a short visit. But once saturn became directional, it all FIZZLED out completely and began my long second rounds of exiles. When i should have been retrospective, ruminative, I was abundantly progressive, futuristic. and hence beared the harvests of a malefic sowing for years to come. YES, for the annual cycle of saturn retrograde harvests effects that REACH far beyond, LAST far beyond the annual cycle, or the simple span of a year. The SEEDS SOWN DURING SATURN RETROGRADE HAS FAR REACHING EFFECTS. For both Sun and Saturn ruled people in their own opposite ways!!

Saturn Retro 2009, is a season, with whose residues, and effects , I'm STILL grappling with, till this date! first that year Annual Saturn Retro commenced from the very new year 1st of Jan, 2009! And I remember making off on a sudden flash to Mumbai to collect renew my lost architecture marksheets, graduation certificates from our college sir JJ College of Architecture, Mumbai. That itself was okay, cos I was travelling "backwards in time" returning to collect something, a residue from my former past. BUT later, my classmate/ friend Monindro gave me an offer of a 1 month long training program under him, to learn AutoCad, and brush up my working skills, etc. I accepted it. said 'Yes' when i should have said 'NO'. I ROSE to the challenge, the offer, Wherein, i should have just hung loose, and done something whimsical. I became a 'holy warrior" and 'noble soldier in path of a higher goal/ ideal. My inspiring directive that year/season was Nietzsches 'WILL TO POWER'. And I was following that holy, burning warrior Funda, full on!! Pushing on!! A completely Solar Path DURING Saturn Retrograde. And for that entire season, somehow, i remained COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to the schedule of saturn retrograde. BUT CHILLINGLY COINCIDENTAL WAS  that my fall began from the VERY EXACT POINT, exact date from when Saturn's Retro velocity after having reached maximum,had begun it's decreasd/ descent!! The decreasing Phase of Falling retro!! I completely followed the solar path unconsciously, by simmering down , 1 month during Falling Retro. Perfectly behaving like a solar Person. To the Dot!! Later when Ultra Retro, the most deadly triply intensified Solar tail commenced, on the first day, my long astro guru since five years T.N. Sarma expired. And yet, my wife had plans for us to go to Paris (me to accompany heron her office trip to Paris). And, in the peak of ULTRA RETRO, the most intensified Solar phase of Saturn Retro, I had gone off to Paris!! BOTH YEARS IN 2008 & 2009, SOMEONE CLOSE AND VITALLY TO MY OCCULT/ RELIGIOUS JOURNEY HAD DIED, AND YET I'D GONE OFF IN FALSE GLORY!! Later when 'Vanishing Point' of Saturn Retro occured on the very return flight from Paris. From the exact stop-over flight from Dubai. Something distinctly felt sinking. And once, we landed back into Delhi's prime heat, the downward journey that followed, the hangover that unfolded, was unimaginable. I tried to capture the crux of this 'Fall',the exact emotion of the Desert of Reality, on film titled 'After Paris'. The film has only five minutes of Paris and the entire joureny is about, well, .. After paris! The perfect testimony to void, hollowness, vaccum everything. A film
that i havent been able to finish till date!! The hangover, fallout, residue of 2009, has followed me till THIS date, haunted me to this date.

So, this Saturn Retrograde, 2013, when saturn is retrograde in my VERY ASCENDANT SIGN of Libra, hence, in the highly appropiate phase of 1st gear/ THRUST, of Rising Retrogade, I'm plummeting BACKWARDS! And using it for maximum archival activity. Churning out detailed accounts of former years, long crossed over mistakes, graphs, theories, refelctions, ruminations .NO momentum for me this time. rather as much as POSITION vector. ONLY observation, thought, review, retrospection, archive, etc. though, i am Saturnine guy, but because of my prior energies, sometimes completely behave like a completely SOLAR DUDE! And hence suffer the obvious effcts and consequences! Whole day, today, ahs gone by in vague stupidities, delays, stagnations, strangleholds, and stumbles. at least I will now try to put up some old photos from 2008/ 2009, below..

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