
Friday, March 1, 2013

Saturn Retro 2013, 16- Retro Dynamics

Day 12, Annual Saturn Retrograde, 2013, 1st March, Friday. I'm getting acutely bored now of repeating myself: Saturn Retrograde is a time for Sun ruled peopled to move/ hurl forwards and Saturn ruled people to fall backwards! Check the above diagram: Crossover Week ( 24 Feb Sunday- 4 Mar monday) described in previous posts. For Solar/Sun ruled people, this crossover week's  the Hurling of the javelin, full thrust forward at full strength . Despite all obstcales. You ARE a  javelin thrower, right now at an Olympic event. So just do it, give your best for all its worth. For Saturnine/ Saturn ruled people:  fall back, retreat, pull backwards in time. You WILL/ SHOULD move backwards in time.

As for myself, being HIGHLY Saturn ruled, and faithful archiver of this detailed blog, in this past week i met, connected with old friends from the past. But mostly i landed up in 1981/ 1982!! How? My father had gone for a six month training stint to Russia in 1981-82, and me and mom shifted to my aunt/ Jethai's place in ASEB colony, Narengi. These last few days, relics from those days landed up in my hand. An Old issue of Mad that my cousin bro Rup da, had lying around. In Vandana cinema theatre they had shown 'The Satanic Rites of Dracula', the posters of which haunted my 9-10 yr old brain, ever since. A local  film show at Oil India Club that showed Breakfast At Tiffany's a movie that i was too young to understand, but remembered the music still. All these RELICS from my childhood, 1981-82, suddenly appeared, landed up in my hand. I had downloaded Breakfast At Tiffany's in 2008 itself, but now found it, hidden in a sub folder of my machine. The issue of Eggs rated Mad, landed up in my hand through my painter cum bookseller friend, co-painter, Kareem Khan. And the movie, 'The satanic Rites of Dracula' from an old DVD collection given by my cousin Shivam in 2007 itself. For me, the Saturnine arrow HAS/ IS travelling backwards. In contrast to season 2008, and 2009 when I was trying to project forward stupidly like a Sun Ruled dude!
As for now, this year, 2013, I'm successfully Regressing/ back in time.... 

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