
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Saturn Retro 2013, 57- Brooding Stagnation of Void

72nd day, Annual Saturn Retrograde 2013, 30th April, Tuesday. Today’s day 5 of 7 days of 100 %, Max, (4’ 33”), Saturn Retro velocity of 2013!! Writing from Guwahati, hometown. In the earlier post I described my arrival at Guwhati, hometown during peak Retrograde.  My friend Bublee was givin birth to her daughter in UK.
Now its late, about  1:32 am. Technically were already in Wednesday, the 7th and last day of Retromax 100% of season 2013. But vedically, the last day begins at sunrise. And day after, the effects will remain till noon. Only will falling Retro phase commence which lasts throughout May.
Lying flat on my stomach, inside the mosquito net, in my friend Lueits place. The composer of the song Bylanes which I mentioned in earlier post no.  Today I heard him perform live for me. Again and again. His family, wife and daughter were away in Jammu. The house was feeling so empty, quiet, silent, void, foreboding. Far removed from it’s usual hustle, bustle. I have not yet recovered from my long train journey, and still feelin wobbly, dizzy and highly disoriented. Unplugged from my own hometown. Retromax holds with FULL effects! The atmosphere in Lueits place was directly enacting the space in Delhi, where we had endlessly listened to it, in this Retro Saturn, 2013! Void to Void! Check pics below.

Earlier, my friend Adil came down. Came with him to riverside. It was so quiet, still, grey at noon. The scenery was there, all before me, but such stagnant, humid, stillness, hung in the air! The stillness was so thick, we hardly exchanged any words betwixt us. A far cry from my usual behaviour in my hometown. Such was the effect, influence, stranglehold, Retro Saturn, Max 100% velocity had over me. Unbelievable, that I’m in hometown Guwahati, after all..

Later we dropped Adil’s girl at some IPL type cricket thingy at judges field, and went to Ashoka Bar/ restaurant at Panbazar. It felt like the hotel in Shining, stg: Jack Nicholson. Everything was so stagnant, brooding, tensile, taut, electric, gothic. Pregnant with charged up, heavy, humid, gothic air. It has been the same since last 20 years, now. Quiet, stagnant, brooding atmosphere at Saturn Retro Max 100%!

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