
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Saturn Retro 2013, 54- Twin Peak

66th day, Annual Saturn Retrograde 2013, 24th April, Wednesday. We are now today, at 99.6 %  (4’ 32”), Saturn Retro velocity of 2013!! AND, even though, today’s Tithi is Chaturdashi of Chaitra Basant Navaratra, but as it’s evening, I can almost see the moon come full circle. Purnima/ full moon, almost upon us!! And tomorrow, 25th April,  Saturn retro velocity reaches its 100%  MAX velocity of 2013. And stays there until 2nd May. So commences, the Twin Peak of this combined Super Shakti Rajasic Sun period. The phenomenon of Twin Peak begins here and now. (Twin Peak ‘coincidentally is a TV series by my ever fav David lynch). The full Rajasic apex, (full moon/ purnima) of Basant Navartra Chaitra Pakshya, PLUS 100% Retro Saturn Velocity, commences, even as I begin to type this words. Sun/ Solar/ Rajasic people, a rare window of super Rajasic shakti for you, this Thursday, 25th April!! And the effects commence, as I write this, late 24th April, Wednesday night! And Saturn ruled people, go crawl under a rock, or a dark hole, and hide there!! :P!! Check my previous posts!!

Check chart below. It lists daily acceleration, i.e, decrease/ increaseof Saturn Retro velocity. And Forceis ALL about acceleration or “gati” in planetary astrology!! Mass remains constant! Since Saturn retro velocity yesterday was 4’ 32” and 4’32”, meaning NO change, meaning NO acceleration, meaning so today, by comparison, I hardly felt any retro effects after long time. Anyways, as I write this the great Twin peak commences already!! Check chart below, its 25th April, Poornima/ Full moon day + Retro Max, 2013!! Signing.. “off”!!  

Saturn Retro
Basant Navaratra
Chaitra Devi Pakshya
Retro Vel + Devi Pakshya
11th April
4’ 14”=  93.0 %

Pratidpad= 6.66 %
93 % + 6.6% =  99.6 %
12th April
4’ 16”=  93.7 %
+ 0.7 %
Dwitiya=    13.33 %
93.7 % + 13.3 % = 107 %
13th April
4’ 19”=  94.8 %
+ 1.1 %
Tritiya=    20 %
94.8 % + 20 % = 115 %
14th April
4’ 20”=  95.2 %
+ 0.4 %
Chaturthi=  26.6 %
95.2 % + 26.6 % = 121. 8 %
15th April
4’ 21”=  95.6 %
+ 0.4 %
Panchami=  33.3 %
95.6 % + 33.3 % = 128.9 %
16th April
4’ 24”=  96.7 %
+ 1.1 %
Sasthi=  40 %
96.7 % + 40 % =  136.7 %
17th April
4’ 25”=  97.0 %
+ 0.3 %
Saptamii=  46.6 %
97.0 % + 46.6 % = 143.6 %
18th April
4’ 26”=  97.4 %
+ 0.4 %
Ashtami=  53.3 %
97.4 % + 53.3 % = 150.7%
19th April
4’ 28”=  98.16 %
+ 0.7 %
Ashtami= 60 %
98.1 % + 60 % =  158.1%
20th April
4’ 30”=  98.9 %
+ 0.7 %
Navami=  66.6 %
98.9 % + 66.6 % = 165.5 %
21st April
4’ 30”=  98.9 %
0 %
Dashami=  73.3 %
98.9 % + 73.3 % = 172.2
22nd  April
4’ 31”=  99.2 %
+ 0.3 %
Ekadashi=  80%
99.2 % + 80 % = 179. 2
23rd  April
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
+ 0.4 %
Dvadashi=  86.6 %
99.6 % + 86.6 % = 186.2
24th April
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
0 %
Trayodashi/ Chaturdashi =  93.3%
99.6 % + 93.3% = 192.9
25th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
+ 0.4 %
Purnima= 100%
100 % + 100% = 200 %
26th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
 0 %
Krishna-1= 93.3%
100 % + 93.3% = 193.3%
27th April
4’ 34”= 100.36 %
+ 0.36 %
Krishna-2= 86.6 %
100.3 % + 86.6 % = 187%
28th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
- 0.36 %
Krishna-3= 80%
100 % + 80% = 180 %
29th April

4’ 34”= 100.36 %
+ 0.36 %
Krishna-4= 73.3 %
100.3 % + 73.3 %= 174 %
30th April
4’ 33”= 100 %
- 0.36 %
Krishna-5= 66.6 %
100 % + 66.6 % = 167%
1st May
4’ 33”= 100 %
0 %
Krishna-6= 60 %
100 % + 60 % = 160 %
2nd May
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
- 0.4 %
Krishna-7= 53.3 %
99.6 % + 53.3 % = 153 %

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