
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturn Retro 2013, 51- Ultra SOLAR phase Schedule

62nd day, Annual Saturn Retrograde 2013, 20th April, Saturday. We are now at 98.9%  Maxiimmum Saturn Retro velocity. Maximmum Saturn Retro Velocity of 2013, 4”33”’ per day, is there from 25th April- 1st May. This period of super high/ almost Maximmum Retro Velocity, has this year 2013, also coincided with the highly Solar/ shakti/ Rajasic phase of Chaitra Basant Navaratra. The Waxing moon/ Chaitra Shukla pakshya/ Devi Pkshya is from 11th April – 25th April. So this period from 11th- 25th April, is a period of Super/ Ultra/shakti/ Rajasic/ Sun!! And then, from 25th April, onwards till 1st May, 100%, MAX Saturn Retro Velocity of this year! Geronimo is a great word for this few days!! (I’m running out of adjectives here)!! I’m Saturn ruled, please get me a dark rock to crawl under and hide for these next few days!!

Below is the humongous chart/ schedule of this current ULTRA SOLAR PHASE: Basant Navratra coinciding with Max Saturn Retro phase with impacts. Took me 6 hrs of Herculean effort to compile, during extreme DEHYDRATION, groggy, stomach crashdown. No one said that this Saturn Retro journey  would be easy.. :P..

Saturn Retro
Basant Navaratra
Chaitra Devi Pakshya
Retro Vel + Devi Pakshya
11th April
4’ 14”=  93.0 %

Pratidpad= 6.66 %
93 % + 6.6% =  99.6 %
12th April
4’ 16”=  93.7 %
+ 0.7 %
Dwitiya=    13.33 %
93.7 % + 13.3 % = 107 %
13th April
4’ 19”=  94.8 %
+ 1.1 %
Tritiya=    20 %
94.8 % + 20 % = 115 %
14th April
4’ 20”=  95.2 %
+ 0.4 %
Chaturthi=  26.6 %
95.2 % + 26.6 % = 121. 8 %
15th April
4’ 21”=  95.6 %
+ 0.4 %
Panchami=  33.3 %
95.6 % + 33.3 % = 128.9 %
16th April
4’ 24”=  96.7 %
+ 1.1 %
Sasthi=  40 %
96.7 % + 40 % =  136.7 %
17th April
4’ 25”=  97.0 %
+ 0.3 %
Saptamii=  46.6 %
97.0 % + 46.6 % = 143.6 %
18th April
4’ 26”=  97.4 %
+ 0.4 %
Ashtami=  53.3 %
97.4 % + 53.3 % = 150.7%
19th April
4’ 28”=  98.16 %
+ 0.7 %
Ashtami= 60 %
98.1 % + 60 % =  158.1%
20th April
4’ 30”=  98.9 %
+ 0.7 %
Navami=  66.6 %
98.9 % + 66.6 % = 165.5 %
21st April
4’ 30”=  98.9 %
0 %
Dashami=  73.3 %
98.9 % + 73.3 % = 172.2
22nd  April
4’ 31”=  99.2 %
+ 0.3 %
Ekadashi=  80%
99.2 % + 80 % = 179. 2
23rd  April
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
+ 0.4 %
Dvadashi=  86.6 %
99.6 % + 86.6 % = 186.2
24th April
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
0 %
Trayodashi/ Chaturdashi =  93.3%
99.6 % + 93.3% = 192.9
25th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
+ 0.4 %
Purnima= 100%
100 % + 100% = 200 %
26th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
 0 %
Krishna-1= 93.3%
100 % + 93.3% = 193.3%
27th April
4’ 34”= 100.36 %
+ 0.36 %
Krishna-2= 86.6 %
100.3 % + 86.6 % = 187%
28th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
- 0.36 %
Krishna-3= 80%
100 % + 80% = 180 %
29th April

4’ 34”= 100.36 %
+ 0.36 %
Krishna-4= 73.3 %
100.3 % + 73.3 %= 174 %
30th April
4’ 33”= 100 %
- 0.36 %
Krishna-5= 66.6 %
100 % + 66.6 % = 167%
1st May
4’ 33”= 100 %
0 %
Krishna-6= 60 %
100 % + 60 % = 160 %
2nd May
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
- 0.4 %
Krishna-7= 53.3 %
99.6 % + 53.3 % = 153 %


  1. I guess that would mean it's a great time for us Rahu people.. :) .. Judy's bday falls on the 25th oddly enough

  2. yes brother, its a greatt time for u guys. may, time to simmer. jun 1- 21st, most major, intense breakthru period. inititate something anyhow durin that period. that will see you thru the entire next year!!
