
Monday, February 11, 2013

Saturn Retro 2013: 01- Time to Wallow in the Mire

This year, the annual 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde is from 18 Feb to 7 July. Saturn Retro is a time for Regression, retrospection, slowness for Saturn ruled people. And Progression, Projection and Affirmation for Sun ruled people. Generally every horoscope is  predominantly ruled either by Sun OR Saturn. Since I am ruled by Saturn, this period is ideal for me predominantly to wallow in backwaters, study, research, contemplation, thought, muse, brood, serve, follow, respond. Also the onset of the Chinese Snake Year, 2013, from yesterday itself, makes this particular Saturn Retro 2013, even more acutely ideal for the above mentioned brooding/ research activities. Hence Sun, Yang, Dragon ruled people should use this 4.5 months of Annual Saturn Retrograde, 2013 to breakthrough, make progress SO that once Saturn Retro's over they may return to a more relaxed pace for the rest of the year. And Saturn ruled people should ESPECIALLY use this Retrograde period for some acute wallowing time, so once Retro's over they can move forward like a speedy snake. Hence this year's Annual Saturn Retrograde 2013 is especially a window of opportunity for all of us. Provided we use it according to our specific disposition/ nature. Cheers!

As for me, I'm already starting to feel the backwater wallowing, TODAY, exactly one week before, Saturn turns retrograde on next Monday, 18 feb. Today morning, my wife predominantly Sun ruled creature, began morning walks in our neighborhood forest park. Especially encouraged and excited by my friend Monindro, who's into big time walkathon, marathon, and what not. Normally I walk all over, while she's stationary in office, or in her car. BUT today she was rocketting ahead with super SOLAR force, while I due to gas, indigestion etc fell far behind. Huffing, puffing, panting like a bulky buffalo. Groaning, cursing, somehow dragging myself. Pretty uncharacteristic for a lanky dude like me, who walks all over, and pretty much relies on public transport to move over Delhi. Whole day, I was burnt out like a zombie, neither asleep nor awake. Drowning in pending, backwater files, old pending works. And I realized by afternoon, that the effects of Annual Saturn Retrograde, 2013, had commenced. And for me, it was an ideal time for some active wallowing, regression. Thus, Addressing pending Karmic obligations. And THIS year, I'm going to note all my observations, etc live on this blog. Unlike the previous years and endless scrawly handed thick, comprehensive journals, mostly a lot of which are LOST. Let the wallowing games begin...

Schedule of Annual Saturn Retrograde, 2013: 18 Feb- 7 July
11 Feb- April end: (2.5 months): From one week before itself, as Saturn loses it's velocity rapidly and effects of Retrograde begins. Two & Half months of Rising/ Increasing Retrograde: Increasing wallowing/ regression for Saturn people, great PROGRESS for Sun people
May, entire month: Falling Retro: Month of Progress for Saturn people, a bit slow for Sun people
1st two weeks of June: SHARP Rise in retro: SUPER Break-Thru for Sun people and BREAK- down for Saturn people.
Mid June: Retrograde effects over by Mid June even though Saturn actually turns directional as late as 7th July. Because Force of effect= mass X accleration, and Saturn LOSES most of its retro velocity by Mid June itself.
I hereby declare, the Annual Saturn Retro 2013, open. My 8th year, since 2005. And the first year, on blog live. No journals, no ink. Only Net and Blog!!

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