
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Log 13: Nightmares and Dreamscapes

The title of today's post has been inspired by one of my favourite Stephen King books, Nightmares and Dreamscapes, an anthology of short stories, very different from his usual horror novels. In this book, there are both horrific stories and quite a number of fantasy stories with positive endings. And the apt title of the book expresses a vital aspect of the process of energy clearing, healing.

One cannot reach one's ideal Dreamscapes, without crawling through the mandatory Nightmarish expurgation of one's pending karmic issues. This is a crucial aspect of the Energy Clearing process, that most completely fail to mention. No clearing, healing process can progress without us having to crawl through the nightmare-scapes of our inner demons, and our preloaded karmic mines within ourselves. And that, without wading through our Nightmares, we can never reach for our Dreamscapes. 

I am reminded of my favourite movie Shawshank Redemption, in which Tim Robbins, a prisoner escapes from prison, and crawls through many football field lengths of wastage latrine pipes to reach his freedom, a Dreamscape of a turquoise blue seaside. It vividly expresses the  journey of Energy Clearing, where, one cannot reach one's turquoise blue seaside Dreamscape, without crawling through the Mandatory football field lengths of pending karmic issues and ghoulish Nightmares.
As we purge, we progress...

Friday, August 7, 2015

Log 12: Underlying Energy Patterns

After 9 months down this unfolding journey of Energy Clearing, under the guidance of my healing guide Dipankar Roy Karmakar, today I want to discuss about underlying Energy Patterns within ourselves. As I have mentioned in my previous posts, the journey of Energy Clearing has two aspects to it: the first aspect is dealing with various Doshas (Energy imbalances) in our body, to reorient and repair them, and
restore balance and relief within ourselves. And, the second aspect is that of Energy Patterns, within ourselves. But the aspect of negative patterns of energy clearing, is a far more subtle, deep, yet powerful and long reaching, aspect of Energy lying inside of us.

Energy imbalances, i.e, Doshas are more visible, dynamic, and, on the surface. But, Energy Patterns are almost invisible, and is detected only after in-depth analysis, by an experienced energy healer. Hidden Energy Patterns within ourselves, have the capability of swallowing, and superseding all other minor energy events, energy dynamics, into it's vast and oceanic grasp. As mentioned many times before, both Doshas, and Energy patterns occur in ourselves due to various karmic entanglements of this life and before. But whereas the imbalances of Doshas can be more easily dealt with, the effects of negative Energy Patterns require a far more subtle, and in depth approach.

In my parallel journey of Vedic astrology, I have been more than familiar with various patterns, and cycles arising due to various planetary combinations in one's horoscope. And, have effectively used various strategies to deal with them. Like, in those cases with Mars related Doshas, which bring major accidents, can be effectively regulated by therapies which convert the imbalance into
installments of frequently occurring minor accidents, cuts, bruises, instead of one singular devastating and debilitating, mega catastrophe. In hte case of Saturn related Doshas, the energy imbalance can be be be regulated by empowering the Sun, and donations and offerings related to Shanidev. Jupiter issues can be dealt with by empowering Venus, or Mercury more, etc. However, from the aspect of Energy Clearing, negative energy patterns are far more deep sated, and arise due to a complicated sum total of the many planetary combinations, existent in our horoscope. And the calculations, are not only lengthy, complicated, and humongous in scale, but also, the dynamics often run contrary to the usual principles of astrology. Such deep seated energy patterns, can however be, uncovered by the intuition of those, who have the blessings of divine clairvoyance. And see our energy state for what it is.

 In this Indian subcontinent, many people are familiar with encounters with saints, clairvoyants, seers, sages, spiritual people blessed with divine grace ( the genuine ones, and not the charlatans, false god men, crooks), who, without any horoscope, or knowledge, can divine truths about the person. And, if followed earnestly, give long lasting effects throughout the lifespan of the person. Such in-depth divination, come as a blessing of universal grace, and from the divine ability and insight to detect, and comprehend the hidden worlds of Energy Patterns lying within each person. The dynamics and laws of designs, hidden machinery upon which our lives revolve and run upon.

 In my own healing journey, my guide Dipankar, helped me uncover a deep seated, hidden negative Energy pattern within myself, whose powerful effects superseded all my Doshas, Gunas, vices and virtues. A negative Energy pattern, which has prevailed, and flourished throughout my entire life. But, completely overlooked and undetected, because of it's very familiarity and obviousness. Exactly like the hidden letter in the story, The Purloined Letter, by my favourite writer Edgar Allan Poe. Wherein, the much sought for Purloined letter is kept in the most obvious place, but because of it's obviousness, remained completely undetected by all.

This highly negative pattern of mine, is somehow mysteriously connected with hidden Manglik Dosh, and partial Kalsarp Dosh. It manifest itself in the most bizarre manner. Where it sees me free fall into a cocoon of cosy, sluggish, complacency. A default setting of the mind, where at the drop of a hat, it rapidly sinks into a stupor of sluggish, frozen, fossilization. A bizarre Comfort Zone of fossilized inertia, in the most weirdest of circumstances, the most unlikely of scenarios. A wave of vast lethargy and comatose coziness, rapidly spreads through my bloodstream and I rapidly freeze into a fossilized rock, suspended in time. And this highly negative pattern of mine is accelerated by my own primal attraction, primal lust, primal desire, craving and longing for the cosy, Comfort Zone of stagnation.  My ultimate honey trap, my secret lust, my deepest forbidden desire.  The irresistible lure of stagnation and complacecny is my  personal karmic curse and  my most destructive hidden, underlying, Energy pattern!!

And, facilitated by my by guide Dipankar, I have gradually begun to understand the equivalent Reverse pattern of this underlying negative energy. The only way to counterbalance this negative pattern of cosy, comfortable, stagnation, is NOT by forceful, artificial movement (which anyways rapidly fades away), BUT, by the process of turbulence, knocking, shaking, turbulence, upheaval, voltage fluctuation, jaw shaking rattling. High voltage energy, to shake me, out of my frozen stupor, uproot me out of my fosslizing inertia. ONLY this voltage fluctuation, this turbulence, has the power to shatter the stranglehold of entanglement and entrapment, and break down the bondage of fossilized energies, and release the energies required for movement, development, and progress.

Thanks to this journey of Energy Clearing, I have begun to perceive strangulating force of this negative Energy pattern inside of me. And, instead of shunning the reverse , equivalent pattern, necessary for my release, have begun to repeatedly remind myself, that these turbulent waves of knocking, shaking, rattling and voltage fluctuation coming my way, are actually the agents of change, the harbingers of karmic release, relief, movement, and progress.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Log 11: Window of clearing till 15th May

This post is a continuation from my post on Saturn Retro 2015 in my Saturnine blog: Saturn Retro-2015-18: Suns-transit-thru-Aries-part 2, wherein I was talking about the Sun's monthly transit through Aries amplifying the current ongoing Solar energies of Saturn Retrograde by at least 200%. However, the additional mention from my energy healing guide Dipankar-Roy-Karmakar announcing this period as a special window for energy clearing  for ALL people, whether they be Sun, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, etc, etc, especially  uptil the  15th of May. So I've decided to dedicate a separate post in this, my Energy Clearing blog, on this special period.
Broad widespread effects
Dipankar had earlier told me that the astrological quality year's Saturn Retrograde's was different from previous years. Because the Churning process usually experienced only by the Saturn ruled during this period, had universal implications for all people. He explained, it was because of the overall ongoing transition, upliftment of consciousness of the human race at large. Evolutionary changes and energy changes that were going to affect the consciousness and attitude of humanity as a whole. And, that this period until 15th May, was like a window for last minute induction, commencement of a long pending spiritual journey for many.

He also said, that the churning of these current few days, was like the reaction, knocking shaking, one experiences when one is injected with a powerful antibody in one's system. In previous posts, I have repeated many times, that only through mandatory knocking, shaking, rattling, can the process of Energy Clearing/ evolution take place. Hence the extreme body heat, dehydration that I'm going through in this peak Delhi summer. The dehydration has completely knocked my brain off track. Moreover, tomorrow we go to Saket Court for appearing for the case of theft that had happened in our home/ office by our office boy. That too, in this dehydrated state. But, such is scheduled by the cosmos for me, now. Hence, nothing to do but flow along..
( to be contd...)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Log 10: Chain Reaction of Energy Clearing

This post I have to write twice, both here in Energy Clearing and Saturn and Jupiter blog.  Last few days because of my current challenging planetary transit of Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio I had been consulting my energy guide Dipankar for various challenges that i was facing. And especially about about some knocking, shaking that began from Thursday evening. Dipankar tolde me amongst other things, specifically about some dana karma related to Ketu and Saturn to be done on Saturday. But I expressed my reservations about that, as I have a long history of Ketu daan already, and also Saturn was beneficisl planet for me, so I feared doing any Dana karmas to lose his effects upon me. We left it that.  However, the events that followed after 24 hrs of my putting the question immediately showed me, that for some people who are adequately responsive, healing journeys are facilitated faster the speed of one's own slow moving lethargic perceptions and cognition...

Soon, after my conversation, situations developed, and I was knocked from Munirka, to SDA, and then finally landed up at my friend Kareem's bookstore at Nehru Place. His wife and son was there, and they were staying over at her dad's place. One thing led to another, and I found myself  setting forward to their residence at Tulip apartments, at Levan, Sonepat, Haryana . On the way I crossed a giant Sri Siddh Shani Mandir, on the GT Karnal Road., which I have crossed many times while going outside of Delhi on Holidays. But never found the time nor intersection to vsist it. When one crosses it from below on the car, it's like a towering temple that looms above you. It reminds of a giant temple hill which I have been seeing in my dreams since last 22 years.
After reaching Kareems place at Tulip Grand apartments, I tried to show him my film After Paris but the Pen drive didn't load on the usb socket of the DVD, so we decided to see DVD movies. And amongst his DVD's was the film Magus, which was based on John Fowles novel of the same name. In the movie, Michael Caine is a school teacher on a greek island whom a mysterious neighbor called Conchis, played by Anthony Quinn, pulls into a surreal and complex game. Much like another of my ever favourite movies The_Game_ starring Michael Douglas. In both the movies, the protagonist is drawn into a complex game that supersedes reality and at the end of which is unfolded by revelation and insight. In both the movies, the protagonists gets insights, understanding, wisdom but at the astronomical Cost/ Price of knowledge which is usually connected to the journey of energy healing and spiritual growth. And by cost/ price I don't mean dollars or Euros, but the high voltage turbulent and tumultuous  currency of knocking and shaking!!
Early morning, Kareem made tea at 5:30 am, and from his balcony I saw the looming, giant, goliathan flag of OP Jindal Global university. The owner Naveen Jindal was known for his giant flags in all his ventures, especially afetr his 7 year long court case with government resulting in the (Click Link): Naveen Jindal amended-flag-code. But this flag was something elses, especially shimmering in the grey haze of pre dawn. Like the wing of a massive flying reptile. Suddenly, it struck me that Flag is the symbol of Ketu. And always previously I could NEVER relate ketu with simple flags. But this Giant, goliathan, levaithan looming far above us, shimmering in the wind, looking like the wing of a giant wingspan, myabe of mythological Jatayu or Garuda. (Ketu was related with flying, aviation, and NOt Rahu as is usually mistaken for). The shaking/ tremoprs that I felt inspired great desire in me to fulfil all the daana karma previously suggested by Dipankar.

Later while returning, I went to the Giant looming, towering Sri Siddh Shani Mandir, and poured oil without any doubt. because his oil daan was one of reverence, awe, and deep mystification at this towering presence similar to my temple hill dreams of past 22 years or more. Later I fet handicapped people, beggars, children who were conveniently located around this lone, towering,  temple by the GT Karnal Highway.
I asked Kareem to drop me on the way at GK2, but he said to accompany him for tea at Nehru place. gfinally when I returned, I drooped by the Bhairav Temple, gave oil to Shanidev, and Sringar to Mahakali. Being Saturday today, there was a huge line ahead of me, but the oil pouring idol of Shanidev was separate, and because i had to give black clothe to Ketu (as is mostly practiced in North India, in contrast to the grey one we give in the East), but Ketu idol had No queue. On the way, on handicapped guy smiled at me from his vehicle, and i had opportunity to offer him some of my personal favorite Jim Jam biscuits. By the time I reached, and bathed and breakfast it was hardly 11am on Saturday morning. But the end of a long, elaborate, energy healing odyssey facilitated by the divine grace of Cosmic energy and blessings of Mother Kali.

BY THE TIME I update this post, the news was out: (Click link): news/world/2015/04/25/-7.5 magnitude earthquake, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake had begun in Kathmandu, then Bengal, Orissa, Bihar, Delhi, Dwarka, and so forth!! What I felt was my own solitary experience of knocking shaking for me has unfolded into a journey which was synced with the 7.5 magntiude earthquake sweeping across the nation. After my intense conversation with Dipankar, for the past 24 hrs, I was set off on a unraveling  journey. One which synced with with the mysterious energies of Ketu who governs earthquakes and volcanoes..Like some animals and birds, for once i was in sync with planet earth...

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Log 09: Transformation through obstacles

Today, on facebook, my Energy healing guide Dipankar Roy Karmakar uploaded a post  Understanding Life 22-04-2015 on the journey of Energy clearing and healing. Amongst many other aspects of this journey, he talks about obstacles, detriments as a key and integral partr of the process of evolution. His favourite dialogue to me is "You can't expect to progress/ evolve sitting in the comfort of an a/c room. Tapas has to be there". His post came up at a time when I was thinking about a lot of things around, which were causing me strain and stress, as I'm going through my annual cathartic, cleansing period of Saturn Retrograde. And his post has urged me to share my personal thoughts and experiences of detriments and obstacles in their role of my personal evolution.

Each one of us is born with pending karmic issues and debts that we are poised to resolved and repay in our current life existence. These pending debts can be indicated by interpreting the various planetary positions in our astrological birthchart. Energy Clearing helps us to work upon and finally Transform our personal energy. Energy Clearing gives us an window of opportunity for honoring this karmic debts, and then on, progressing on our personal evolution. In fact, more frequent the jolts, shocks, and detriments, it's far better! Why?? Let me illustrate...

Energy Transformation process: Blessings in Disguise
In my astrological birth chart, beyond the impact of all other planets I have got a very debilitated and challenging Ketu position in my chart. This Ketu position directly indicates, the hurt, and damage that I have caused in a previous incarnation. And say, 10,000 units of jolts, shocks and upheavals are owed to me by the universe, as just desserts for my own past misdeeds. I can repay it in 10 installments of 1000 units, 100 installments of 100 units, or 1000 installments of 10 units. Personally, being of frail nerves and a sensitive constitution, I would personally always choose the last option.. 1000 installments of 10 units. Much more regular frequency of occurrence, but of much less reduced shocking magnitude. IN FACT, given a choice, I would choose 2000 installments of 5 units each, or even 3000 instalments of 3.3 units. If given a Choice!! BUT that exact choice HAS been given to me! 
Since, I have begun the process of energy Clearing under the guidance of Dipankar, many times I've often complained to him about that the frequency of knocking, shaking, rattling increasing! But, what I have forgotten is THAT, because of their very INCREASE of frequency, their individual impact/ voltage/ shock value has considerably gone down. They come, rattle me, tattle me, shock me, but they SOON pass. In case of personall emotions, I've being hurt MORE times, but people are strangely becoming lesser and lesser in importance. In case of health, I am having increased frequencies of afflictions around the areas (especially throat area) as Dipankar had predicted four months back, but strangely they soon pass. And also windows of opportunity ARE being magically created for me to service other people who are are suffering in those areas. And earn karmic blessings. Many people are actually going out their way, causing me needless hurt, and taking on my long legacy of rotten, festering karmas (ugh! the stink)...

Beyond the narrow confines of my Ego, my half wit  intelligence, my pathetic expectations, my brain blocked perceptions, the blessings of Divine mother has blessed me with a Energy Clearing plan, that I am being able to handle, and cope, and perceive...
Gratitude! Gratitude!.... and even more Gratitude!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Log 08: Eclipse + Full Moon, 4th April

Dear friends, I have already posted in detail about the astrological significance about today's full Moon + Eclipse, (Chaitra Navaratra Purnima with Chandra Grahan) on this post: Click link: Retro-2015-09climax-of-supernova-phase. Today, here I want share my insights about the energy dimensions of this event, after some inputs from my energy healing guide, Dipankar Roy Karmakar. Because of the high intensity of this phase, there can be high energy fluctuations faced by many standing at life's crossroads. More so for those, who are poised to step into the next level of insight and understanding. Especially, within the period of 72 hrs, after today's  Eclipse, they might experience unusual events after the eclipse. In case of such experiences, the indication is simple. They have to connect with their Ishta devta, guiding angel, or connect to a spiritual source, do Grounding/ Balancing mantras, or seek counsel of a energy guide.
These unusual events should be responded with gratitude and understanding. And acknowledgement, that their only purpose of appearance, is for the person experiencing them, to move into the next level of growth, insight, and understanding. Cheers! Love and Light to All!

Personal Updates
5th April, Sunday: Yesterday evening, just after the eclipse ended, as astrologically predicted, there was a flow of release, instant relief from the long  build up of weeks and weeks. A friend suddenly called me up, both me and my wife went over to meet his mum, and we had a impromptu  evening with great food, laughter, and warmth. Abruptly released form the vice grip of Solar shackles, I went haywire like a standup comic on steroids. We had a fantastic evening.
Morning, as was predicted by my energy healing guide about 72 hrs after the Eclipse (check above paragraph), the shaking, energy buzzing commenced full on. When energy has to shake us, it can come in any form. Morning began with me feeling extremely dizzy, and a strange sore, aching around my throat area. After many, many rounds of grounding mantra, I felt considerably relieved, from the bodily shaking/ rattling that is a hallmark of energy Clearing. Then, the energy chose to be manifested in a proliferation of useless household arguments in a relay sequence. Later,  I had to go far to get mutton for guests coming today, and lot of it was stale, old, which normally the vendor gives me quality amenities. After a lot of knocking/ shaking from home minister (read wife) I had to go all the way with the accompaniment of our ground floor man Friday, and replace it with fresh stock from the vendor. After that, a series of phone calls came, which left me a bit askew, off balance, and rocky. After a few rounds of grounding mantras, here I am, updating this post. Since morning, the knocking, shaking, disorientation has been constant, be it for internal/ external reasons, be it within/ without. Exactly as he my guide had predicted. But because of this forewarning, I could somehow glide through it, and NOT react, which would have escalated the turbulence. Did my grounding mantras, and exercises, to feel a bit more orientated. As I repeat endlessly over all my three blogs, challenging planetary transits are windows of opportunities to clear our own pending karmic issues. So, first round of 24 hrs, drawing to a close, two more to go. Clearance ahoy!

6th April, Monday: Yesterday evening, ended with wife's friends coming for dinner, so it was a hectic social evening full of fun and amusement. Morning, tingling sensations in the throat area persisted, and the day went by in clearing stuff, rather slow. Later, in the evening, I joined our landlord for an hour of chanting Buddhist Lotus sutra ( he is a senior leader of Daimuku Chanting). I was surprised at the issues and emotions oozing out of all my pores. A collage of buried emotions related to self identity, self recognition, social recognition and a hopscotch of various random emotional scenes were randomly replayed before my mind. All accompanied by tingling around throat area. Whole day it was tingling (EFFECT), before actually I sat down for one hour of reciting chants (CAUSE). In the Quantum world of Energy healing, many a times, Effects appear BEFORE the Causes are undertaken. Glad I'm being able to utilize this 72 hrs for clearing/ cleansing.

7th April, Tuesday: Today I'm suddenly up and updating this post at 7a.m., right out of bed. From yesterday evening people around me, suddenly and randomly began intensely discussing things and issues very close to my heart. And that created quite a trepidation, turbulence, shaking, rocking within. I had not stepped out of home/ office yesterday entire day, yet this energy shaking found me full on, directly delivered at home, through phone calls, and conversations. And later the topics of those conversations continued in dreams, that I saw after sleeping at night. As my energy guide Dipankar had predicted, when the window of prevailing energies are in such a cathartic/ clearing transition, even simple topics of discussion, random speech has so much power to move us and shake us. As he had remedially suggested, I have three strings of beads, of my personal healing stones, on me, and I'm doing regular grounding/ balancing mantras. I didn't step out of home the entire day, choosing to focus around pending stuff inside the compound. YET, the energy of these cleansing forces are making their presence felt. From the concrete to the most subtle level.
As I completed the above paragraph, it began raining/ drizzling outside. Yesterday, Dipankar had told me one of the ways I could experience healing, cooling during this intense energy phase, was by standing beneath rain, but maybe the fourth or fifth rain, because the first few merely bring all the air pollutants down. Just now, I stood out on our terrace, arms extended feeling the gentle drops of the drizzle upon me, what a relaxing experience. As I looked to the sreet below, through the foliage of the trees, I saw a woman's figure almost sliding/ floating by, in a inhuman speed. Later, as the foliage cleared, I saw that it was a student riding down the slope of our street on incredible speed on her bicycle. As it was early morning, school time, zero traffic, this sudden drizzle, which mad her ride down our gentle slope at such a dizzy speed. From my position, the street angled at 45 degrees in perspective, so the girl's figure looked like a woman/ shakti/ Devi descending to Earth in a tremendous speed. Now the drizzle has vanished as abruptly as it has begun. Let's see what the rest of the day.. unfolds!!!

4:11 pm: Just watched the movie Vanilla Sky on TV. Suddenly realised that I've seen three movies since yesterday, in all of which the barrier between dreams and reality dissolve. Or rather nightmares and reality! In Scenic Route, two friends get stuck on a deserted highway on a road trip. After days of being stranded in the worst possible challenges, they somehow make it back to civilisation. After reunion, recovery, the hero wakes up from a nightmare and talks to his friend. In the conversation, we realise, they are still stuck in the desert, recovery was just a dream. In  Vanilla Sky, Tom Cruise is a multimillion dollar playboy whose life is hunky dory until he meets a catastrophic accident. after that, all the scenes you can't make out whether he's dreaming, in anightmare, or in reality. That is until the Final scene! In Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) the remake of the most famous horror series, the scenarios is shown very surrealy, and hauntingly. In most scenes, we dont know whether the characters are experiencing in reality or fallen asleep, and the monster Freddy has got to them. In each of these three movies, the barriers between reality/ nightmare and dream are seamlessly dissolved.
The relevance to this current After Eclipse 72 hrs phase, is the current energy is activating our pending issues, repetitive conflict patterns stored in our aura. And, they are being resurrected, reanimated from their suppressed state, so that we can experience them on the conscious level, real dimension, before transcending them. That is the mandatory experience of the Energy Clearing process of Knocking, shaking, and nightmarish rattling. Morning after the past 7am update there were many telephonic conversation which continued to rattle and shake me to my core. I updated the events to my energy healing guide Dipankar, who said the effects of the After Eclipse 72 hrs phase would continue till tonight. And, will gradually begin to dissipate from tomorrow. As I endlessly repeat over and over, challenging planetary transits are windows of opportunities to clear our own pending karmic issues. They are periods of catharsis/ Energy Clearing, which enable us to Clear our messes, and move on ahead, and evolve! It's 4:40 pm, now. Let's see what MORE unfolds.. In this period of catharsis and cleansing...

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Log 07: Responding to the Energy of Planetary Transits

This post is in continuation from my post Retro 2015-09: Super flux week, 28 Mar-4 Apr where I was exploring the astrological planetary transits of the period of 28th Mar to 4 April. But this continuation of that astrological post into here, in my Energy Clearing blog, is because only due to the processes of Energy orientation, Energy clearing, under my guide Dipankar Roy Karmakar, that I could deeply tap into the energies of this retrograde planetary transit. With the use of appropriate energy crystals, and purification methods, one is enabled to tap and utilize the forces of prevailing planetary transits, as per the particular nature of their energy characteristic in relevance/ relation to us!!

In my astrological  post, I have written in detail about this particular period as a phase of intensified Shakti, pitta energies, and how Sun, Mars, Ketu, ruled people could use it for progressive breakthroughs. And how Saturn ruled people could us it's energies to regress back into areas of unresolved pending issues. However, a well grounded individual is more ready to appropriately utilize the intensified energies of such planetary transits. Under training from a qualified energy healer/ light worker, one can orient oneself so that one can reorient themselves sensitively to the particular nature of such changing planetary transits. Energy orientation, and Grounding/ balancing work help us to respond to them much more efficiently and optimally.
And one can actually begin to understand and physically experience the various astrological planetary transits in the skies above! Cheers to Energy Clearing!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Log 06: Method of Energy Reorientation

Dear friends, currently, I'm writing a series of posts about my ongoing Saturn retrograde in my second house of Scorpio in my Jupiter and Saturn blog under (click):  topic category/ label: SaturnRetro 2015. As I keep on repeating, in astrology, negative planetary transits are windows for us to clear our pending karmic debts and issues, Only by clearing which we can progress ahead and evolve. And there are a number of astrological remedies which help us keep the effects of such a phase, manageable. Many such healing, crystal remedies also similarly exist in the practice of energy healing. However, under the guidance of my energy healing guide, Dipankar Roy Karmakar, this Saturn retrograde,  I have had the opportunity to experience a unique method of astrological healing which i would like to share with you. The method is called Energy Reorientation.

Dipankar often repeats this on our healing journey.. "One can't do healing work in an a/c room. One has to experience rattling/ shaking in order to grow/ evolve". I can completely correlate this with my own astrological perspective. Because, only when we fulfill the karmic obligations of our negative planets, can we progress and move ahead. The healing method of Energy Reorientation helps us cope with the challenges of our negative planetary transits. In such a way, that we can handle it on a humanely manageable way. And yet, which makes a lot of sense from the karmic perspective.

Energy Reorientation helps to redistribute/ reorient the energy cleansing process. Like for example, the current Saturn retrograde transit in my second house of Scorpio, brings challenges with all issues connected with the second house. The second house indicates close relations, friends, kith and kin. hence, this transit indicates turbulence from close relations, people I'm close with. However with the method of Energy Reorientation, instead of one whopper of a betrayal/ let down, there is a manifestation of a series of continual minor let downs and disappointments. Which makes it much more manageable, cope able and recoverable on a human level. The obligatory/ mandatory karmic debt is fulfilled, yet I also land up in one piece, at the end of the process.
Secondly like Dipankar divined/ predicted 4 months back itself, this current Saturn transit through Scorpio, indicates physical issues around my throat Chakra area. For the past three weeks I have experienced a series of throat infections, shoulder and neck sprain, which have been coming off and on. If it was ONE single affliction, instead of the spread out, installments of issues around my throat Chakra area, ... WHAM and knock out! But with this spread out, or karmic energy redistribution, I have had an window for a more manageable repayment plan for my pending karmic entanglements. Cheers to energy healing method of Energy Reorientation! Gratitude!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Log 05: Dipankars stormy visit

In these past few posts, i have continually recounted how my journey in energy healing unfolded after my fortuitous  meeting with my guide, light worker, energy healer Dipankar Roy Karmakar in the inetriors of Bongaigaon. That singular one hour meeting, began a long winding, eventful, unfolding journey in energy healing for me, through the past three months. But since that initial meeting, all our conversations and interactions have been over the phone, and healing and dowsing had been over the distance mode. It's true, like how Dipankar says, that one direct, personal meeting with one's true guide/ guru, is enough to initiate the process of energy healing. But sometimes, a direct, personal one to one interaction is very mandatory for one to cross into the next level of energy clearing. Especially for those who want to closely work with the unfolding process of energy dynamics. So, it was with quite some elation that I received the news that my guide would be passing through Delhi, where I could directly interact with him in person. And, I could review, sum up, my unfolding experiences over the past three months. But what I thought, would be a review process for me, ended up as an insightful and stormy breakthrough into the next level of Energy Clearing and Crystal Healing..

Dipankar had been called to Delhi, by a Vastu client of mine as there were continuing problems in his food processing factory, and which Dipankar had dowsed, to reveal strong energy imbalances in the factory premises. And the nature of the energy problem in the factory was of quite a great magnitude, to be sufficiently cleared by distance healing, and prayers. It needed powerful healing rituals and on site, and healing prayers, to be directly performed by an experienced energy healer directly in the very premises. Hence, Dipankar was flown in for the energy healing/ clearing process.
We picked him up at the airport and had a quiet dinner at the clients place. Next morning, we met at  Bhairav temple, near Pragati maidan, where Dipankar had called his clients family members, me and my wife to perform chants and bless us with specific prayer healing. We completed our offerings to lord Bhairav and sat inside chanting, andI with my black tourmaline beads for grounding/ balancing. Suddenly a dog fell out of a great height, suddenly disturbed by the workers working on the renovation of the temple. What struck us astonished, was that it's falling from a height, when the normal course would have been for it to scamper and run horizontally, on it being disturbed from it's sleep. This was one dog that was definitely suddenly  Grounded!!
After completing or prayers, and buying specific flowers for the pooja from Lado Sadai/ Mehrauli flower market, we finally ended up at our place for an impromptu lunch after a long day of fasting. Even though my wife had hardly any time, she cooked up something in a jiffy, and we had quite an auspicious breaking of fast on Monday, on the coincidental eve of Maha Shivaratri. I was suposed to see them off, but suddenly the client insisted that I come alomng for the healing rituals. On Dipankar's insistence, I agreed to tag along. Later, that evening, we set off for Uttarkhand, from the clients place at Rohini. The train set off from Old Delhi railway_station, and we're damndedly late, the knocking shaking of the process had begun!! But once reaching the station, were surprised to find the trasin mysteriously delayed, and it set off 10 minutes after we boarded. The high drama of energy healing. Finally we reached early, at 3am, and directly set off to the factory for a brief reading. Later, as reached our residential quarters for some badly needed rest, Dipankar told me not to sleep, as since we had visited the premises of energy imbalance, the energy process had begun, and if i would sleep, i would experience some tremendous knocking and shaking. So, it was great difficulty, with many cups of coffee, and watching for the 27th time, one of my favorite movies As Good as_It_Gets. Remarkable was, that the last scene of the movie closes with Helen Hunt and jack Nicholson, reaching a bakery in wee hours of morning, same time the movie ended for us in real time, and as we welcomed dawn after that. After managing to stay awake somehow, I was informed by Dipankar that he had received intuition that, surprise of surprises, that I was supposed to perform the prayer rituals. Quite a twist in the tale! And upon noting down the process of the prayer rituals, I was quite astonished to discover, that one distinct part of it involved, resolving of a land related manglik dosha, which was present in my own astrological chart on a suppressed, dormant, yet super strong level. By performing these specific prayers, myself the healer himself would be also healed along with the premises!! Through a fortuitous series of circumstances, the universe had arranged a great and significant ritual, whose indirect blessings would provide great healing resolution to my own personal energy imbalance!!
Later, after completion of rituals, i had shown some desire to partake in rituals of Shivratri, but extremely exhausted, we retired to our residential quarters for a well needed rest. Later in the afternoon, and I suddenly awoke with great energy buzz, which pervaded throughout my entire body. As if, i had consumed a great deal of bhaang and milk, as is customary on Shivratri. Whereas, all i had consumed was normal vegetable food. It was quite an astonsing experience indeed, and I found myself standing barefoot on the lawn, chanting on my black tourmaline bead for grounding/ balancing, and earthing.
Later, late at night we commenced our return to Delhi. All of us were sleeping in the car, especially me sitting next to driver, which was dangerous as the passenger next to the driver should always avoid sleeping, to prevent drowsiness form inducing in the fatigued concentration of the driver. While, we stopped at a tea stall, I made a prayer resolve to remain awake until we reachedDdelhi, even though I knew that I had not the perseverance and fortitude to follow through on that, as i fall asleep sometimes when deeply exhausted, even while walking or standing. However, I found a folder in my phone.. "80's Pop Hits" full of carefully selected adrenaline, super bright, super peppy, super glucose, sugar coated pop candy frost songs. Listening to them was actually like glucose, sugar rush being pumped through my fatigued nerves, and I COULDN'T manage a single wink, throughout the entire journey to Delhi. Even when we got off the client's place and retired to finally sleep, the glucose/ sugar rush of "80's pop Hits" didn't subside, and i couldn't manage a wink of sleep, until much late. Talk about energy prayers rush!!
Later, hastily we woke up and headed for the airport through the horrendous, and gargantuan traffic jams of west Delhi to reach the airport., The clients driver Rinku, drove maddeningly, and with nonhuman dexterity and we did manage to reach terminal 3 in time. However, as were making our way back home, Dipankar;'s call came, even though he was in the line for check in, Jet Lite closed as he reached the counter, refusing to allow him to check in and board the flight!! what weirdness!!
So, he re-booked the closest available tickets for Friday morning. Delhi had decided to keep Dipnakr for two more days. For what? We would come to know.
Later we reached the clients place and i crashed with great and utter exhaustion, finally! Finally when I woke up in the late afternoon, was feeling hot, buzzed, cramped, claustrophobic and highly constipated. Dipankar initiated a clearing mantra for my Amethyst beads, which i repeated over and over. Suddenly, I had to get up and rush for a number of times to the toilet, and my body began rapidly clearing, cleansing itself of pent up body heat, and pile up debris of the past 48 hours of hectic displacement. This was highly and surprisingly uncharacteristic for me, as i get usually get constipated and congested with too much hectic sleeplessness, and yet here I was, exhausted beyond belief,  where my body suddenly decided to completely change it's normal behaviors, and I experienced a bout of loose motion, and i could biologically experience the relief and release process of Energy Clearing!!
Later, we went for a brief stroll in the nearby market, where Dipnakr purchase some toys for his son, which was only possible because of his flight cancellation. Later, reliefed, relaxed and recharged, especially myself by the Clearing, decluttering healing energies of the amethyst crystal beads, we sat up, chanting, praying, and in intensely long winding discourses and discussions on various dimensions, processes, methods, intricacies, and some of my very personal subtle experiences of energy healing! He demonstrated techniques of healing as he provided healing sessions to the clients family. and I could particpate and undertsand various techniques and approaches of energy healing. and impropmtu and crash course into energy clearing. I continued till the late of night with my own chanting process with the amythsy beads bringing in further clearing, decluttering/ decongesting relif, release. Crystal Healing was a process best learnt, understood when directly and personally  EXPERIENCED.
Later, morning being Thursday, i did my usual rituals at the conveniently located Vishnu temple in the clients residential colony itself. After that we moved to the clients office to cursorily check his office Vastu. I was astonished to find great imbalance and chaos prevalent in the premises, and more so that after knowing him so long and having done his home Vastu, long back, he had completely overlooked to call me to his office premises, the zone of his troubles and imbalances. But Dipnakar healing process had opened his eyes, and i casually landed up there. I immediately took charge and began supervising a reorientation of the furniture, decorative items, gadgets, on a hands on dynamic process, and within two hours the office energy seemed changed, modified and far most positive. The clearing/ decluttering mantars and energy of the amethyst beads had carried itself forward on it's own!
Later on Dipnakar's insistencer, we tyook the metro and came all the way to Gk2, to my residence and met my wife, totally entangled in herr project submission. On our terrace, directly at home, Dipnakr initiated energy riotuals for my wife, directly at home. The fortutious energy Clearing property of the universe clears time and space where there is none, for the opportunity of energy clearing to take place. My much gratitude to dipankar and the universe.
Later, we returned to the clients place and  Dipnakar did a detailed dowsing, energy scanning of the clients daughter, who had been earlier unavailable and the healing session was now only possible because of the Dipnakrs missed flight. In fact, in light of her prevaling chronic cough of more than six months, i would say she was the one who desrved the most detalied energy clearing/ healing in the family. Which was now possible because of a missed flight. And as usual, till late night, we continued our discussions and exchanges on both energy Clearing and Crystal healing.
Finally next morning, i dropped Dipankar to the airport, and returned exhausted to my home, in time to help my wife in some small errands with her current submission, which went well as I complete this post, with great sleepless exhaustion yet infinite gratitude...
What a stormy comet.. that seared through Delhi city.. cheers!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Log 04: Role of Guide/ Guru in healing

As a practicing Vastu consultant, and Vedic astrologer for more than a decade, I have had the opportunity of numerous interactions with various practitioners of  various divining arts and healing techniques over the years. Especially, in these past months, after of initiation and training in Energy Clearing, under light worker, energy healer, Dipankar Roy Karmakar, I could strongly experience the significance of the Guide/ Guru in the healing process. Today, I want to share my experiences, which might bring insights to many of those interested in the unfolding journey of the healing process.

In a ballpark figure, I can say that the role of Guide/ Guru, is that they help us by showing better and more optimized way of doing things. They help us avoid numerous mistakes, which we would have otherwise made, and thus accelerate our healing process. From the spiritual standpoint, they speed up our learning, which otherwise would have taken many more lifetimes, to complete. Often, they make us see things from a different perspective, and thus help us liberate ourselves from our prejudices, and preconceived notions. They help us notice things that we'd previously overlooked.

Divine Intution of Lightworker
even though I have been a practicing Vedic astrologer for many many years, certain manifest symptoms in own life issues, were very difficult to place, or source. My energy Guide, lightworker Dipankar, with divine dowsing, intuition  helped me detect, understand many critical doshas/ imbalances, in my birthchart, which were previously undetected, and even when contemplated, were grossly overlooked,  These doshas, or karmic imbalances were so subtle, and deep down, that only an energy healer/ diviner could have noticed/ sensed them. The significant thing is that even though they were subtle, their effects were physical, gross and ever manifest in my life. Everytime, he would divine about a particular dosha/ imabalnce, it would take me weeks to understand and comprehend, how deep down their effects permeated and penetrated in my life energies. Like they say in Taoist thought..
The root of light lies in darkness
The root of heaviness, lies in that which is so light
The root of that which is so gross, lies in that which is.... not
 In the subtle petals of blooming flower, that we we see.. not
Cheers to the Guide/ Guru in helping us, see, what we ....not

Monday, February 2, 2015

Amethyst 01: clarifying decongestant

Rough, raw, tumbled, gemstones are always preferred in Energy Healing. Because as opposed to the precious astrological gemstones, their effects are gradual, gentle and subtle. And, as they demand an dynamic participation on part of the user, they forge a far deeper bond with one's personal energy/ aura. In these series, I narrate the experiences of working with healing stones, suitably initiated and energized by my Healing guide Dipankar Roy Karmakar.

Even though I have been working long, as an Vastu consultant and astrologer, I have had a strange experience in regards to gemstones. seemingly suitable gemstones as per my astrological horoscope would be repulsed by my body in the shortest while. except for the cats eye, that I had been wearing since 2002, as suggested by astrologer and gem consultant Prasanta kr Barman in 2002. Even in the later years, as I began to expriment extensively with various semi precious, tumbled gemstones, i found only the same effect. they would soon be rejectd by my body in the shortest span. so i ultimately discontinued my more than a decade long winding investigation, exploration into finding an appropraite healing properties of gemstones for me, which would not be rejected by my body, personal energy field.
However, after a series of fortutious circustamnces, finally connecting with Energy Healer/ lightworker Dipankar Roy Karmakar, and participating in various energy rituals, especially the negation of existing Pitra Dosh in my horoscope, I found a strange alteration.... gemstones that were formewrly previously immedeatly rejected by my body, in the smallest quantity, were now heavily accepted in heavy dose by my energy field/ body

Friday, January 30, 2015

Log 03: Twofold Energy clearing process

As Vastu explores Spaces, and astrology explores Time, the science of Energy explores the dynamics of our Energy field/ Aura. In this series, I narrate my experiences on the unfolding journey of Energy Clearing..

In these past three months of healing and guidance from my Energy Clearing guide,  Dipankar Roy Karmakar , I have had the opportunity to learn and experience many diverse aspects, and processes, of Energy healing/ Clearing. In this post I would like to share with you about the Twofold process of  Energy Clearing/ healing that I have personally experienced. The first step is Knocking/ Shaking: which clears pending issues, blockages in our Energy Field. And the second step is Grounding/ Balancing, which earths, reboots, balances the distribution of energy in our Energy field. Sharing in details...

Knocking/ Shaking: In any human condition, we are usually steeped in layers and layers of prarabdh (pending) karma. Before universal Energy actually begins to flow into our lives, we have to make space within, by clearing the layers of these pending/ prarabdh karmic issues. Hence the necessity of the experience of "knocking/ shaking/" namely getting jolted, shaken, rattled in our core areas of Energy blockages. This somewhat rattling process is mandatory before such rock like blocks, twisted entangling knots, jams, clogged channels in our Energy field can be broken. And space created within for universal energy to flow in. Like homeopathy, in Knocking/ shaking phase, prevailing physical problems can be magnified, conflict situations seemingly appear out of nowhere, but the relief is that they disappear as suddenly as they appear. I personally find this process of Knocking/ shaking similar to use of corrosive acid to unblock a jammed kitchen sink waste pipe, or the use of a earth mover, bulldozer to break down giant rocks, before a pathway is cleared through the mountains. It's the most efficient process by which catharsis/ clearance of negative energies happen. Knocking/ shaking can be controlled to a great degree by various Grounding/ Balancing prayers, rituals, and use of appropriate crystals as suggested by one's Guide/ Lightworker/ Energy healer. I have written in great detail on my own experiences of Knocking/ Shaking in my previous posts, Log-00: energy-clearing-begins and in Log-01-mandatory-rocking.  

Grounding/ Balancing: In most people, there exists a natural state of imbalance in their personal Energy fields. Some areas, Energy points, Chakras may be overcharged/ overtly magnified, and yet other points, areas, might be weak, drained and depleted. This fragmented, lopsided, imbalance in the Energy field creates imbalanced, edgy, unstable situations in one's life patterns, and life issues. Hence the processes of Grounding/ balancing are of utmost importance. Like Knocking/ shaking clears debris and blockages in the energy field, the process of Grounding/ Balancing creates a well grounded, stable, functional Energy field, where a healthy circulation and distribution is established in the Energy field in a wholesome, holistic manner. The healer according to the persons energy Field suggests specific mantras, activities, crystals for this process to take place.

From a personal perspective:
I personally find this process of Grounding/ Balancing similar to the leveling of a ground before a roadway is created over it, or the process of de-fragmenting a computer to clear more space, or rebooting and resetting a machine before it restarts functioning in a more balanced and optimum level. In my personal experience, I have been always blessed with special gifts and talents since childhood, but because of imbalances in energy levels in other areas, I have always found it difficult, if not impossible to bring fruition to these gifts and talents. In my own personal perspective, an ordinary yet more balanced personal Energy/ aura is far, far more desirable to me, than an personal Energy field greatly endowed in in some areas, yet grossly undernourished, imbalanced in other areas. Once, my initial Knocking/ Shaking process concluded, I have commenced practicing mantras combined with certain crystals for the Grounding/ Balancing process. And as opposed to the Knocking/ Shaking process, the experience of Grounding/ Balancing are hardly dramatic. In fact they are so subtle, that you hardly feel them working at all. My Healing guide, Dipankar told me that Knocking/ Shaking process can be compared to Yang energy: Hot/ electric/ sudden/ Sharp and Short. And Grounding/ Balancing process is like Yin energy: Lukewarm/ subtle/ super gradual almost imperceptible but their effects are far and long fetched.
My gratitude to my healing Guide and the universal energy for my experiences so far, on this unfolding journey of energy clearing.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Log 02: Levels of Energy Clearing/ healing

As Vastu explores Spaces, and astrology explores Time, the science of Energy explores the dynamics of our Energy field/ Aura. In this series, I narrate my experiences on the unfolding journey of Energy Clearing..

In these past, now three months of interaction, training, healing, insight, guidance from my Energy Clearing guide, Light-worker Dipankar Roy Karmakar , I have had the opportunity to learn and experience a diverse series of aspects, processes, techniques, pathways of Energy healing/ Clearing. In this post I would like to share with you about the different Levels/ Modalities of  Energy Clearing/ healing.

Levels/ Modalities of  Energy Clearing/ healing.  

1) Basic Energy Counseling, Dowsing and Divination,  : In this First level  the patient/ client approaches the Energy Healer/ diviner with either a specific and particular query regarding any prevailing or general issue, be it career, relationship, health, recognition, etc. Or he may approach the Healer/ diviner with and open mind, with no such particular queries, just requiring an overall Energy assessment of his personal energy, his potential opportunities, strengths and about  his weaknesses.  The Healer then dowses, divines and identifies   the various Energy situations and issues in the persons life and energy. Appropriate suggestions, advice, prayers, and counseling is offered and suggested by the Energy Healer/ diviner. There is no commitment or obligation required on part of the patient/ client regarding the various divined knowledge by the Energy Healer.

2) Situational Healing: In this Second level the patient/ client approaches the Energy Healer with a specific and particular problem or issue, be it career, relationship, health, recognition, etc. The Healer then sends Energy, performs rituals, and appropriate prayers to relieve that particular situation on behalf of the Client. Commitment is required on part of the patient/ client except in the thorough following up of the procedures and suggestions as guided by the Healer, in the allotted time frame.

3) Core Healing: In this Third level the patient/ client approaches the Energy Healer with lifelong repetitive problems and life patterns. Those with Horoscope doshas like Manglik Doshas, Kalsarpa Dosha, Pitri Dosha, Guru Chandal Dosha, etc. A minimum of three months of commitment is required from the client/ patient. During this period, the Healer provides different levels of therapies on a weekly or Ten day period basis, which is then updated by the patient/ client. The patient/ clent has to mandatorily follow up with the healer on a regular basis with various, feedbacks, updates. The healer then modifies his therapies, solutions as when neccesary according to the feedbacks, response of the client/ patient. At the end of the three month period, a review is made whether the problems have been negated or in case, not, whether much deeper forces are at work.

4)  Karmic Healing: In this Fourth level only when the patient/ client has been identified with having deep seated Karmic issues, which transcend the scope and depth of the usual planetary, astrological Doshas. A much more deeper situation having been identified, it's mandatory for the patient/ client to adopt Energy Healer as a Guide/ guru, and a commitment of  six months is given. The client/ patient has to accept the channel of energy as offered by the Energy healer. The commitment on both sides is utmost, and once the Guide accepts the patient/ client as a sishya/ follower, he gives personal involvement of his own personal energy channels to forward and advance the healing of the patient/ client. The transcation on both part of Helaer and patient is one of utmost, commitment, reverence, involvement. This draws analogy to the Guru- Sishya parampara/  traditions of the ashrama where a karmic bond ties both the Guide and Follower to the highest dictums of Karmic conmnection, accountability, energy and scared knowledge. It's obvious, that at this level that the Patient/ client shares many of the secret Energy initiations as decided by the Healer. During this six month process, the patient/ client begins parctising many energy initiations and healing processes on his own behalf and initiative suiting his personal body energy type, as divined and discerned taught by the Energy healer.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Log 01: Mandatory rocking

As Vastu explores Spaces, and astrology explores Time, the science of Energy explores the dynamics of our Energy field/ Aura. In this series, I narrate my experiences on the unfolding journey of Energy Clearing..

Today's an auspicious day for all kinds of prayers, past life clearing activities, as it's Mauni Amabasya ( New moon). As described in the earlier post, in the past one month I experienced a lot of shaking/ knocking/ hammering/ rocking at my core issues, blocked Chakras. As explained earlier, to clear one's karmic junk/ debris, this experience of knocking/ hammering on our key issues are necessary for spiritual growth. Otherwise we remain stagnating in our whirlpool of stagnation. But after having reached Delhi, for some days, I was back to my previous state of complacent floating, swampy muddiness, that is always so very familiar with my existence in Delhi for the past nine years now. But my energy guide Dipankar Roy Karmakar saw this and asked me to step up my Energy Clearing prayers to Mahakali, which was soon followed by a resurrection of the shaking/ knocking/ hammering/ rocking at my core energy issues, which I had SO gladly escaped from, from my hometown Guwahati. To escape in the the muddy, vegetative  complacency of my New Delhi existence. But, alas, no! Nature had other plans for me, so here I was, back again in the quarry of rocks, blasting and getting blasted at all my pending issues, and prarabhd karmas. Better to get the mandatory rocking, shocking, and have my energy blocks cleared, then vegetate and float around in buffalo like complacency. Though, the latter feels so much more better to a lazy bum like me! ;) . At the end of it, Energy Clearing demands courage and forbearence, that's what I have come to realise. Better to get on with.. now itself, than later with accumulated pileup!! :) 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Log 00: Energy Clearing begins

As Vastu explores Spaces, and astrology explores Time, the science of Energy explores the dynamics of our Energy field/ Aura. In this series, I narrate my experiences on the unfolding journey of Energy Clearing..

Energy Clearing begins..
Over the years, in my personal and professional journey as an practicing Vastu consultant and Astrological consultant, I have found my attention increasingly drawn towards the somewhat mysterious realms of Energy Clearing, Aura energies, Chakra healing, etc. And since 2010, via many fortuitous interactions with various clairvoyants, healers, intuitive personsage, have been afforded somewhat fickle and fragmented glimpses into the world of Energy and Spirit. But finally, in November 2014, courtesy of  my fellow traveler on a lifelong spiritual journey and childhood friend Sanjit Narayan Deb, and through a  twist of fortuitous circumstances, I had the opportunity of an one hour personal interaction with  Energy healer Dipankar Roy Karmakar, in his residence at Bongaigaon. This simple one hour interaction, that too a harried and hurried one, on account of my accompanying friends, suddenly began an unfolding over the next few days, and has begun a whole new journey into the world of Energy Clearing/ Healing. And one, which I feel, befits mention and narration into my long winding traditon of blogging on such realms.

One and half month of Clearing/ cleansing
Towards the end of November 2014, Dipankar called me and told me about One and a half month of knocking, shaking, catharsis we were going to experience in the times ahead. He said, the month of November 2014 and uptil 15th Jan 2015, was a period of overall catharsis that people on the spiritual path would experience. Before a new wave of light, consciousness, awareness gradually unfolded. It was during this very period that Dipankar had told me that my spefcific Healing energy Deity was Mahakali. She would actuate and unfold the twofold process of Catharsis/ Clearing and Resolution/ Rewards for me. Dipankar specifically told me, one thing that set apart Mahakali from all other Deities, that she was the incarnate Deity of physical manifestations. All her affectations and signs in our life would be Physical and Personal. No wonder, then all that I went through for the next one and half months were all physical symptoms of clearing/ catharsis. Fevers that disappeared as suddenly as they appeared, prevailing stomach problems magnified to a great level.Then, conflict situations magnified, and often i found myself on the receiving end of rebuttals, accusations for things that I had nothing to do with. every time I called up Dipankar in great alarm, he assured me this was how catharsis of negative energies happened, and that "knocking/ shaking/ getting jolted" in our areas of energy blockages was mandatory before such blocks could be broken, and space created within ourselves for universal energy to flow in. And Lo, like he said, the sudden issues would soon vanish as rapidly as they began. Provided, I did my grounding prayers to my personal deity Mahavishnu and tributes to my Energy Clearing deity Mahakali.
The amounts of issues within my own self was stupendous and mind boggling as one complication before the other sprouted up to the surface before it could be finally cleansed/ cleared. But after a period of consistency from my side, the process of Catharsis/ clearing became smoother and better, er.. choreographed. But, most astonishing aspect of this period was that many of my long pending repetitive issues were suddenly being inflamed out of proportion and then gradually on their own died down. Another astonishing experience I had,. was people around me often seemed to be possessed and acted like mediums or channels for universal energy in its incarnate process of clearing.  Twice I landed up at my ancestral place at Choladhara, Jorhat, to perform cleansing/ clearing rituals, on the insistence and accompaniment of two of my close friends. And on and on it went.
Finally after a dramatic turbulent cathartic period i somehow landed up at Delhi again.
And, on the very FIRST day of Magha, I got a sudden Vastu Client out of the blue after my log absence for almost four months, out of whose auspicious earning I prayed tribute to Mahkali, at Bhairav temple at Nehru Place. And as I pen off today, 16th of January, i offer my sincere gratitude to my Guide, energy healer Dipankar Roy Karmakar and my healing deity, mother Mahakali. Tribute and Gratitude!