Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Log 32: By products of Karmic Clearing

Just updated the blog description to..
"It's only when we resolve and Clear the nightmarish problems and monstrous obstacles of our pending karmic issues, that the universe creates an window of opportunity, for us to express our true inner potential. Adim Phukan"

My own personal process of Karmic Clearing has been a ongoing one. Whenever some major karma gets eliminated, I have often come across some resolution, relief, realization or reward as a by product. So I have realized that, all we need is to focus on various techniques, processes and methods of Karmic Clearing. The universe creates everything else, as a by product of this ongoing Karmic process. However, if we choose to ignore our karmic debts, our best efforts, best talents can totally remain enchained by the tentacles of pending karmic issues. It's ONLY when we resolve and Clear these pending Karmic issues, does the universe grant us resolution, relief, realization, reward as a natural by product

Zizek says that the Universal is connected to the particular in a styrange way. I'm DIRECTLY experiencing this live, right now, as having to change the Main/ UNIVERSAL heading/ description of this Blog  page, after the few spontaneous lines above in this PARTICULAR post. 

" Just focus on resolving the nightmarish problems and Clearing the monstrous obstacles of your pending karmic issues. Realization, resolution and rewards are natural by products of this Karmic Clearing process. Adim Phukan"
Proving that everything, all intellectual realisations, philosophies, spiritual growths, energy insights, evolution, growth, prosperity are natural by products of this Karmic Clearing process. Every Breath We Take Every Move we make are by Products of this Karmic Clearing process..