Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Saturn Retro 2013, 56- Retrograde Journey

71st  day, Annual Saturn Retrograde 2013, 29th April, Monday. Just crossed days 4 and 5 of 7 days of 100 %, Max, (4’ 33”), Saturn Retro velocity of 2013!! Writing from Guwahati, hometown. First time, I’ve reached home during 100% Max Retro. This Retrograde has seen SO much landscape/ time change, its not funny. My friends’ Bublee and Subhash, also had their baby daughter, while I was travelling. Bublee SMSd to say, her water broke, even as i reached railway platform and set out. Disconnected from all networks. This journey was a travel through time/ space.  
Feeling So groggy, after two days of winding journey. Saturday, 27th April was FULL Rupture as I realized that next days ticket was at morning 9:30 am, and not evening 9:30 pm, like I had presupposed. Suddenly my wife went into spasmodic overdrive, as there was a lot of things to be completed. The sudden rupture, completely corroborated to the +100.4 %  Spike in retro Velocity!! The whole day went by, in a maddening blur. Displacement, chaotic upheaval was the order of the day. Suddenly I felt like being uprooted, from ground earth. Sunday, 28th April, as I woke groggily and later reached platform of New Delhi station, m friend Bublee SMSd from London, that her water broke, and she was rushed to hospital. I would be disconnected in my travels and miss her birth event. I sat in the berth, facing backwards, as the journey homewards felt like a Rewind/ Re-lapse/ Regress! I sat, watching landscapes, geography, move backwards. I wrote down some notes hastily and haphazardly in my looong journey. I shall try to put down some of them, even though, now I’m home and DOG tired/ exasperated after this long OVER- extended journey of about 34 hours!

On the journey, met a veteran old jyotish/ astrologer from Fancy bazaar, travelling homewards. Whose clients were old “purana papis” (English equivalent of “old reptiles”) of Assam. The backwater alligators of political hierarchy, the swamp creatures, seasoned anacondas. He was a veteran player, sitting in hardcore Fancy Bazaar, hard core, but yet, relatively unknown. I recalled my days in 2005 and earlier. I used to spend a lot of time , in Fancy bazaar, in friend Prasantas gemstone shop. My beginnings of astrology. Later, when I married and transferred Delhi, DURING Retrograde, I had left a lot of incomplete inner baggage, in the backwaters of Fancy Bazaar. Now which manifested themselves at 100.4+ % Retro Max, 2013.

5 days of the Seven days Plateau of 100 % Max Retro, was over. Yet,  two more days, remaining. Even, though I had had UNDERGONE so much change, so much rupture in the last two days. Sitting cramped in 3AC, in my bunker. In an overextended, over delayed journey. Having so much time at hand, and having such an overactive imagination. Throughout the entire journey, I was brooding and Resurrecting Old nightmares and fears. Endlessly and relentlessly drowning in timeless apprehensions and anxieties. I was undergoing an un-becoming, a true regression. A relapse into the older order of things. I would like recollect my favourite analogy of Retrograde, especially from retro 2009. Wherein, in Aliens -2, Ripley returns to the planet of Alien horrors to face the seed of her nightmares. Thus during peak/ Max 100.4% +, my homecoming journey FELT more of a journey into my own Karmic demons, than anything else!!

But despite having reached hometown, for another two days, I had yet to sit still. To complete/ conclude, the ritualistic process of Saturn Retrograde. In 2012, I had reached few days prior to 100% Max Retro began, and began partying, at Peak/Max Retro. Disrupting the ritualistic process of contraction/ compression, highly necessary for all Saturn ruled like myself. Especially, during 100 % Max Saturn Retro!!

It’s 2 am, on the laptop clock, which I borrowed from my sister and am sleepily typing. Lying flat on my belly, many times, falling asleep, but somehow pursuing the visceral, stubborn, elasticity of Saturn Retro THRU its final peak of 100% + conclusion! Through this time warp!

27th April
4’ 34”= 100.36 %
+ 0.36 %
Krishna-2= 86.6 %
100.3 % + 86.6 % = 187%
28th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
- 0.36 %
Krishna-3= 80%
100 % + 80% = 180 %
29th April
4’ 34”= 100.36 %
+ 0.36 %
Krishna-4= 73.3 %
100.3 % + 73.3 %= 174 %
30th April
4’ 33”= 100 %
- 0.36 %
Krishna-5= 66.6 %
100 % + 66.6 % = 167%
1st May
4’ 33”= 100 %
0 %
Krishna-6= 60 %
100 % + 60 % = 160 %
2nd May
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
- 0.4 %
Krishna-7= 53.3 %
99.6 % + 53.3 % = 153 %

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturn Retro 2013, 55- Time after time

We are now in Day 2 of 7 days of 100%/ MAX Saturn Retro velocity of 2013. Even though otherwise, we have crossed the Ultra Rajasic Basant Navaratra Chaitra Poornima PLUS Lunar eclipse at 1am midnight, STILL due to Saturn Retro Velocity being at 100% Max, still no discernible relief! Solar/ Rajasic/ Shakti ruled people can still make the most of the 7 days of Max Saturn Retro velocity, 25th April- 1st May. Of 100%  Max, Saturn Retro velocity.

Today I feel, In-Between, stuck somewhere between the living and the dead. Like a burnt out zombie. No brake, no accelerator. Just stuck in between.. heaven and hell. Like Trishanku. (Google his story). Somewhere, badly stuck. But not yet, out of the desert. Why was I expecting, immediate relief after fall from 100%  Rajasic Poornima, yesternight, 25th April. What about the eclipse, on the same day?
Anyways, today whole day has been a zombified day. Calcified. I was checking journal from Retro 2012, previous year. I had begun celebrating, from 100 % Max Retro Saturn velocity itself. From Friday the 13th , April ’12, itself. Couldn’t wait. Forgot all about Saturn Retro. It was Bihu time in Assam, so suddenly full on! After such detailed journals, notes unto the last minute, of detailed journal entry and comparison with previous retro years, everything, STILL FORGOT!! Wherein, came such a incredible loss of consciousness? ESPECIALLY, on the well plotted, well chronicled days of 100 % Max Retro!!  A price which I have had to pay, till date!! E$xpensive mistakes!! The dollar sign “$” got accidentally typed into the word “expensive”. Remembering the words of animation flick, Kung Fu Panda: “...There are no accidents...”! I’m finally, now, drained out, at the fag end of this journey, this long Saturn Retrograde odyssey, of unraveling, un-becoming, coming undone,  of past almost three months. With a sore taste in my mouth, today, on day 2, of 7 days of 100% Max! Today, few “random events”, stray comments here and there, have caused me great grief inside my heart. But I guess, there is NO ‘random events’ during Saturn Retro, especially the GRID-lock of 100% Max, Saturn Retro. We Have to brace our hearts and steel our nerves. And, LET GO, on a great magnitude. Surrender to the extreme and acute Gravitas!! Instead of dancing like an utter fool, moronic idiot, going berserk, wildly, and incomprehensively, celebrating spasmodically at the Peak of 100% Max Saturn Retro. Where, there should have been solemn gravitas befitting of a funeral, and I should have been, bitter, heavy, solemn, I was instead, incomprehensibly in release, in exuberance, exaltation, and spasms of brief ecstasy. Couldn’t I have waited few days more? Until Falling Retro began??

Last few days I had been busy with dad-in- laws’ cystoscopy procedure at Medicity. A follow up routine check. And today, we dropped him off at Rohini, where his conference is scheduled. Suddenly, such a vaccum, void, has stepped in. Suddenly today, I find myself in drained in sleep loss, drowning in odd daytime naps, dehydration, depression, gravitas, I feel completely out of phase! Such a Void/ vaccum at 100% max Saturn Retro. Such a thick gloom. Last year, Retro 2012, I was busy comparing the contrast with Retro 2009, completely/ utterly forgetting what 100 % Max retro, was essentially all about!  Especially, for a Saturn ruled person. About restraint, gravitas, delay, solemnity, pressure, void, emptiness, etc. Such is the ritualistic demand. The physical dimension of things. Demanded of us Saturnines, during Saturn Retro. Especially, towards the peak of Max 100 % Retro velocity. The situation, occasion, excuse, might be anything, but the schedule of formal ritual remains. The nythic storyline, continues to re-enact itself. One way, or another. Time after Time..

Later, Deepali Junjappa arrived, a friend from Mumbai college days, whom I’d last met 14 years earlier. Gutlu, I, Sangeeta, xelu woi, Niyorkona, gathered ad hoc on our terrace. Gutlu, and Deepali were at their comic best, amking us laugh with their unique comdedy. It was a welcome respite of a breeze in this acute phase…

Saturn Retro
Basant Navaratra
Chaitra Devi Pakshya
Retro Vel + Devi Pakshya
11th April
4’ 14”=  93.0 %

Pratipad= 6.66 %
93 % + 6.6% =  99.6 %
12th April
4’ 16”=  93.7 %
+ 0.7 %
Dwitiya=    13.33 %
93.7 % + 13.3 % = 107 %
13th April
4’ 19”=  94.8 %
+ 1.1 %
Tritiya=    20 %
94.8 % + 20 % = 115 %
14th April
4’ 20”=  95.2 %
+ 0.4 %
Chaturthi=  26.6 %
95.2 % + 26.6 % = 121. 8 %
15th April
4’ 21”=  95.6 %
+ 0.4 %
Panchami=  33.3 %
95.6 % + 33.3 % = 128.9 %
16th April
4’ 24”=  96.7 %
+ 1.1 %
Sasthi=  40 %
96.7 % + 40 % =  136.7 %
17th April
4’ 25”=  97.0 %
+ 0.3 %
Saptamii=  46.6 %
97.0 % + 46.6 % = 143.6 %
18th April
4’ 26”=  97.4 %
+ 0.4 %
Ashtami=  53.3 %
97.4 % + 53.3 % = 150.7%
19th April
4’ 28”=  98.16 %
+ 0.7 %
Ashtami= 60 %
98.1 % + 60 % =  158.1%
20th April
4’ 30”=  98.9 %
+ 0.7 %
Navami=  66.6 %
98.9 % + 66.6 % = 165.5 %
21st April
4’ 30”=  98.9 %
0 %
Dashami=  73.3 %
98.9 % + 73.3 % = 172.2
22nd  April
4’ 31”=  99.2 %
+ 0.3 %
Ekadashi=  80%
99.2 % + 80 % = 179. 2
23rd  April
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
+ 0.4 %
Dvadashi=  86.6 %
99.6 % + 86.6 % = 186.2
24th April
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
0 %
Trayodashi/ Chaturdashi =  93.3%
99.6 % + 93.3% = 192.9
25th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
+ 0.4 %
Purnima= 100%
100 % + 100% = 200 %
26th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
 0 %
Krishna-1= 93.3%
100 % + 93.3% = 193.3%
27th April
4’ 34”= 100.36 %
+ 0.36 %
Krishna-2= 86.6 %
100.3 % + 86.6 % = 187%
28th April
4’ 33”=  100 %
- 0.36 %
Krishna-3= 80%
100 % + 80% = 180 %
29th April

4’ 34”= 100.36 %
+ 0.36 %
Krishna-4= 73.3 %
100.3 % + 73.3 %= 174 %
30th April
4’ 33”= 100 %
- 0.36 %
Krishna-5= 66.6 %
100 % + 66.6 % = 167%
1st May
4’ 33”= 100 %
0 %
Krishna-6= 60 %
100 % + 60 % = 160 %
2nd May
4’ 32”=  99.6 %
- 0.4 %
Krishna-7= 53.3 %
99.6 % + 53.3 % = 153 %