
Monday, December 24, 2012

Log 07: High Drama vs crawls pace

FINALLY Rahu in Scorpio - and Ketu in Taurus over.  After 1.5 years. Rahu in scorpio and Ketu in taurus was rupturous for me, man!!!! today. Yesterday, Sunday, night 9:40 pm, 23rd Dec, 2012, old cycle ends, and a new begins.  For next 1.5 years Rahu in Libra and Ketu in Aries. The next cycle of 18 months. A new wave. Doomsday etc is bullshit. It such imperceptible planetary transits that bring Changes. And the differences. Last Log/ Post I wrote about the spectacular boring non-event of "Doomsday". We merely hype up events to FILL UP the VOID inside. We crave drama in our empty insides. In our routine, mundane  empty lives. Looking "forward" to some fantastic imaginary cosmic event as "doomsday". Because we love DRAMA and  Hype. We are in AWE of dramatic changes. Yesterday at the very moment of Rahu Ketu transit into Libra Aries such high drama. Uranian rupture, Plutonian upheaval:
Yesterdays Headlines: DELHI PROTESTS take Violent Turn. 150 injured, policeman critical. Massive Demonstration in India Gate over Bus gangrape of young 23 yr old girl a week ago. Conflict between police and protesters. Hooligans join mob. Teargas, stone pelting, PCr vans , DTc buses damaged. Heart of the capital.  I was out with contractor , helping him purchase a Tablet PC in Lajpat Nagar. Far from the throbbing crowd, lathi charging police, tear gas, and violence and the uproar. I was in my fringe Neptune crawlspace.  Neptunian changes are crawling slow. They creep upon us. Like cancer.  Every morning after heavy food, late nights, especially winters, I have blood residues in my morning spit. Is it cancer? Why am I too lazy to find out. Satisifed with my ayurvedic doc's advice, that its a sign of intestinal irritation. I'm procrasinating. Hiding my head in the sand. Neptunian escapism. But one day, I wake up. I'll finally realise. Once it's too late. All the rupturous high drama and protest over the brutal gangrape of 23 year old, I feel, like other Indian dramas will be soon FORGOTTEN by the public. Public memory is chillingly short. But blood residue in my spit will continue. Until one day its too late. The temporary/ illusory rush of high drama VERSUS the cold, criticapermance of crawling reality.. The latter wins....

Friday, December 21, 2012

Log 06: Doomsday Updates

10:30am, everyone's saying the world will end today, 21st Dec, 2012, the end of the Mayan calendr. As far as our Vedic astrology perspective, no such thing. All planets in their usual aspects. NO out of the ordinary scenario. BUT what compelled to think about Doomsday is from the synchronicity standpoint. Millions if not billions of people, all around the world, thanks to internet, social media, are going to focus on Doomsday today. They will think of today, 21st Dec, 2012, as the END of the world. COULD there be any effect of SO MANY people concentrating on ONE SINGLE TOPIC at the SAME TIME? God knows, And the writers of  ever popular "The Secret" will know. With their "thoughts become things" theory. And all those who believe in "creative visualisation". I'm writing on Doomsday is because I "accidentally" found the book James Redfield's "Celestine Prophecy" (very popular in our college days, mid '90's). In his book, Redfield talks about the end of the Mayan calendar signfying end of one level and beginning of a new level of consciousness for humanity. An era that signifies a evolution of human awareness, cognition, perspectives. For those who are attuned/ aware of SYNCHRONICITY,  meaningful coincidences in their lives. Even the popular Kung Fu Panda says "there are no accidents". True, since the 90's there has been an overall awareness of synchroncities, overall design, etc. Hence, for "accidentally"  having found my favourite college book, James Redfields "Celestine Prophecy" I am going to update LIVE on this post, on Doomsday, to see if  there is any rise in synchronicity/ coincidence levels on this Doomsday. New Delhi, 11:40 am.
  1. Update 1: Only synchronicity in last few days: a lot of sci-fi book, especially short stories, with few mandatory stories on global catastrophes, worlds end landed in my lap. At friend Kareems bookshop, Nehru Place. Where I often paint together with him. Also finding Celestine Prophecy which made me write this post anyway. Reading scifi giving sense of global perspective.
  2. Update 2: Was on facebook video chat with Neha, and other chats after a long time. Sharing my doomsday invite to people. Neha said 7.2 richter earthquake in san fransisco. lets check.
  3. Update 3: Am on online video chat with a friend/ counselee. Teaching Ketu and Jupiter mantars. Wife's office employee hasn't come. SO had to wait. So on chat. Video too. It was HER destiny to learn on doomsday, on LIVE video chat for me. i wrote: " doctors/ healers/ service providers think that they r GREAT. wrong! its the NEED of the wounded/ ailing/ agonized that creates them. NO disease, NO doctor. today i understood that.its the patient that creates the skill in the doctor.. its the patient that creates hospitals etc etc, NOT the other way around.."
  4. Update 4;  Evening, 8:53 pm. whole day went by in stagnation, brain fry, was "coincidentally" stuck at home. video chatting whole day. For a guy who doesnt even come online. Later domestic duties. couldn't have been a MORE duller day. One noticeable thing, Doomsday was really SPECTACULARLY BORING! Unimaginably boring. Atrophy in the brain. I just wanted to see for myself. so much for this STUPID HYPE about DOOMSDAY. Horse shit !!!! ***)(*&^%$#!!! ( curses, Tintin's Captain Haddock style). Only one thing, this will make good ironic mundane comedy later. This Neptune log updates. Quite a  lot of my friends are excited over 'doomsday'. But i knew it held NO vedic merit. Only the exit of Rahu Ketu from Scorpio, Taurus respectively, day after, late Sunday night, 23rd December,  can bring some changes. That too slowly and gradually. NO eureka, Uranian rapture/ ruptures for me. Only the mollass like, crawling, boring, super slow, Neptunian dissolution.  Too slow even to perceive. I thought of a new title to this blog: Neptune Logs: crawling like mollasses.. super slowness!! Ha ha!
  5. Update 5. Actually its the same upate 4. Just wanted to put down something: Un- happening, non-Event like Neptune. So crawling slow, its NOT an event. Merely a regular mundane, ordinary day. boring to death. Crawl of Neptune. Doomsday: NON- eventSPECTACULARLY BORING!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Log 05: Outer planets- ALWAYS there within

My first blog ever, in 2007, when i began blogging, was titled: "At the fringes/ edges/ margins". Yesterday when I was updating this blog description, I used fringes, margins to describe the outer planets, namely,  Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. I realised that the influence of the Outer Planets have always been there deep within me. It is only I who took so long, so much effort, to merely find WHAT is it I was trying to describe. Even after dedicating my blog exclusively to Rahu Ketu, a blog on Lord Saturn, a blog on Karma, a blog exclusively on Ketu, i was still miles away from WHAT it was I had been trying to describe. The portfolio of the Outer Planets included disruptions, change, transformation, crisis, the very meta dynamics of Evolution and completely opposed to Structured systems. The realm of quantum uncertainties, fuzzy logic, lines of flight, ruptures, deviations. The very seeds of Mutation and Evolution. All those who love X Men series, superheroes, supernatural, odds and far out things would be so delighted by the workings/ transits of the Outer Planets. AND the vedic nodes Rahu Ketu.
But primarily, it's a great satisfaction to be reaching somewhere, which has always been there within me from the earliest childhood memory till date. And which topic is the only thing I'm naturally specialised to talk about. And especially Neptune. With its blurred edges, diffused boundaries, spilling margins. With its ambiguities, fuzziness, and slippery edges. Finally, I can talk about what I want. Within.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Log 04: Karmic lessons of Rahu transit thru Scorpio

In the last three years Rahu Ketu has been transiting thru their signs of debilitation in the Zodiac. For those of us with Rahu Ketu problems in our natal chart, these have been trying times. But also and opportunity to repay our Karmic debts. An opportunity for purification. This current Rahu transit thru Scorpio ( 6 jun 2011- 22nd Dec 2012) has its own challenges and indirect spiritual opportunities.

Scorpio being my 2nd house, I'm learning Karmic lessons regarding finances, close people, family, friends, cash flow, speech. If I have been unceremonious, hurtful, callous in my speech in past incarnations, this had been my time to learn what it feels like to be on the receiving end. If I had denied others cash flow in forgotten pasts, this has been my moment to feel the heat myself. Ultimately in the universe, we reap what WE HAVE sown in prior incarnations. No escape from Karmic Law. But its difficult to understand/ comprehend this WHEN we're going through a ROUGH time.
Usually, Ketu is associated with the "Sting in the Tail" but in this case for me it's been the reverse. Its Rahu which has brought its lethal sting in the tail in its current transit. In the last two months of its 18 month transit, I have begun feeling the FULL heat only in these past two months. From the beginning of November, the stings began. the stings to the heart, mind, body, soul, ego, pride, etc etc. Sharp stabs to jolt the carcass out of the skin. But then its Scorpio we're talking about. In these past two months, it's been difficult to imagine that stings/jolts/ stabs could come from so many directions. But Karmically, many smaller frequent stabs are better than  ONE singular backlash. So like my friend Bitu says, "installments are Far better than ONE single down payment.."! So I guess that's a Karmic lesson I had to learn in this current transit. Though rather difficult. At least some Karmic repayments are done with. Now two more weeks left, until this 18 month transit ends on 23rd Dec. Let's hope for the best, yet expect the worst!!  ;)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Log 03: Tarpan Ritual at Shanti Kunj, Haridwar

I had written a earlier article on visiting Shanti Kunj ashram at Haridwar in May '12, as suggested by astrologer Savita Jain to perform pitra tarpan ritual. This time around, I went with friend architect Hemant. He had been suggested to do the ritual by Savita Ji. We're supposed to go Saturday evening, but postponed. Finally left suddenly without plan, on sunday afternoon at 3. I was already having cold, allergy, cough. But still Pitra Tarpan ritual is a great process. Not to be missed, if the the opportunity comes your way. especially for someone who has Pitra Dosh , like me, Saturn Ketu conjunction in the 9th house.
We reached at late evening, December cold. I was having gas, breathing problems and had forgotten to take my Asthalin along. They said we couldn't move out after 10pm, so no dinner. Indirect fasting. Night couldn't sleep due to gas, suffocation. Nightmarish torture as compared to the first time. Morning bath at 4am. Cold. Luckily gas powered geyser. Then, set out for medical shop to get Asthalin. None. Took Aciloc and Deriphylin for gas and severe acidity. Finally, sat in main hall with 23 others for Pitra Tarpan ritual. Through a topsy- turvy, serpentine trail, had somehow made it.
Ultimately a pilgrimage is about trail , tribulation, testing and NOT a tourism trip, or joyride. so, second time I could despite all obstacles, Pitra tarpan Ritual at Brhma muhurta, dawn. Whew! The Return journey was long , winding and a COMPLETE joyride. Thankfully! Neptune brings us unplanned events/ activities Outside structure. If we respond, great!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Log 02: Comprehending Lord Varuna

(Rahu transit thru Scorpio : 6 jun 2011- 22nd Dec 2012. )
For me, Neptune reflects the UNDERLYING PICTURE, the visceral, emotional , psychological, subjective reflection of the planetary Transit I am currently going through. The current Rahu transit thru Scorpio is happening in the my 2nd house.. where Neptune is himself placed in my Natal/ Birth chart. This VERY current Rahu + Natal Neptune conjunction has led to the re-creation, renaming of this blog to Neptune Notes. What I thought was a voluntary/ objective/ wilful act of creation turned out to be merely a consequence/ reflection/ effect/ side effect of this current Rahu + Natal Neptune transit!!

Rahu exits Scorpio on 23rd Dec, another 4 weeks approx. The current 18 months have been strangely vicious, as my Neptune ruled persona, my Neptunian INADEQUACIES (impractical, mystical dreamer, non material, ungrounded, wastrel etc, etc) came into Strong Focus of sweet near and dear ones. And I came under heavy criticism from all quarters.  But it's this SAME painful transit that ended in the creation of this blog dedicated to narration of the Neptunian experience. And shedding invaluable light on Lord Varuna! I had been  worshipping The Vedic deity Varuna since long,  thinking him to be the Vedic astrology counterpart of Neptune. But in this very transit the TRUE Underlying picture of Lord Varuna's energies were revealed to me. He is a combination OF Neptune WITH Rahu energies. Lord Varuna is the perfect reflection of Rahu + Natal Neptune in my birthchart, in Rahu's current transit thru Scorpio. Each transitory planetary combination seems to have its specific deity!! And for me this current Rahu + Natal Neptune transit in my 2nd house, Scorpio was completely RULED by Lord Varuna!!!
Hence though this current 18 month Rahu transit thru my 2nd house has been catastrophic in terms of  finance, cash flow,  friendships, close people, harsh criticisms, etc(2nd house ruling topics), but ultimately it is this very  Rahu + Natal Neptune combination that revealed the true nature of Lord Varuna. As a mixture of Rahu and Neptune energies. And about the Role of Lord Varuna in my life: BOTH as a Severe Karmic taskmaster AND as a teacher of underwater/ underlying secrets. And also this transit also began this subjective, personal, Neptunian blog. 
Om Vam Varunai Namah!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Log 01: Neptune journey begins

Only after having renamed this blog (for the nth, 34th time), this time to Neptune Logs, am I having this indistinct feeling inside, that a I have finally done a true and honest thing. Under which, I can begin to testify, narrate, share, analyse my personal/ visceral/ astrological/ mystical/ Karmic experiences of things. Under the banner of Neptune, all the complex, half breed, half formed, hazy, cloudy, dissolved, diffused, nebulous, fringe, complex, intangible, layered EXPERIENCES that I often, usually, and frequently undergo, will finally find some platform of expression. For each one of us is primarily related to a specific Planetary Archetype. And after 10+ years of astrological research, occult studies, I conclude that I AM the Neptune archetype. Neptune IS the backwater of my mind, the Swamp of my soul, the layered haven of my spirit, the nature of my character, the quality of my disposition. Neptune archetype is who I am!! After a LIFETIME  of DENIAL and half a million short lived/ shoddy attempts to cover my INNER NATURE under more agreeable, practical, competent, respectable, flattering MASKS, I finally conclude the truth... of my being the complete Neptune archetype. Thus, at 39 years, 2 months, on this Saturday night of 24th November, 2012, I take off my other objective masks, phallocentric, ideological EXCUSES, and BEGIN this Neptunian narration, commence this Neptunian voyage, embark on this Neptunian journey of self discovery, contemplations, and revelations..

Monday, October 8, 2012

Karmic Debts 01: Karmic Strategies..

All of us are born with past life karma. Residues of a former incarnation that we are deemed to CLEAR in this life. KNOWING this fact,ACCEPTING this fact is half the battle. Everyone doesn't have the wisdom to understand this. It is a privilege. Wisdom is an uncommon occurrence. Often it comes after undergoing lot of trial and tribulation. For me, my past life Karma is broadly expressed in the form of Rahu in the 3rd house of my astro chart, debilitated in the sign of Saggitarius, in Moola nakshtra. This finds me coming across Karmic mountains, mountains of mammoth obstacles/ crisis and obstruction, time to time. Understanding the Karmic perspective to this repeating phenomenon helps me address in the proper manner. Whenever I face mammoth/ colossal/ mountainous obstacles and catastrophe, I try to remember and keep in mind THAT I'm merely bearing the Dark harvests of my own past misdeeds. I definitely must have caused untold chaos to others to be facing the same in this life. I have tried to adopt strategies and techniques which keep in mind this overall Karmic picture: 1. Since chaos is my birthright, I have adopted Vastu/ astrology/ healing/ counseling as my career. One way or other chaos WILL come my way, so better take a profession where you're helping others in their own chaos. An opportunity to earn some blessings. An opportunity to payback some of the Karmic Debts incurred in prior lives. Manta a times when I try to follow hardcore architecture with NO components of healing/ Vaastu, progressive suggestions, I often find terrible catastrophe plaguing that particular project. That's why, often if a hard core, Non- Vastu, "no nonsense" architectural/ interior project comes my way, I STRICTLY collaborate, team up with a fellow member/ friend of my own profession to see the project see the light of day. 2. I engage in astrology, astro counseling free/ pro Bono, engage a LOT of time in social service, helping others. This helps me reduce the wrath of the past Karma incurred in previous incarnations.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Karmic Debts 00: Introduction

Karmic Debts are debts we owe due to mistakes we had committed in earlier lives and which haunt us as chronic problems in our current life. This topic series explores the phenomenon of  Karmic Debts.

Many of the chronic problems that we face in our current life are because  of   unpaid Karmic Debts. These unpaid debts haunt us through various physical, mental afflictions. The first 30 years of my life I used to frequently be sick, almost all the time. Later as i explored astrology, Nadi palm leaf readings, especially the 11th chapter pertaining to past life karma, I came to know in detail about past riin (debts). Slowly as i began performing the therapies, the problems also reduced. Generally, in an horoscope, past life debts are indicated by the 6th, 8th and 12th house. The 12th house, the house of loss, is the chief indicator of Karmic Debts. Location of any planet indicates that, there is are Karmic debts to be paid.
Personal Observations:
In my horoscope, i have Sun and Mercury in my 12th house of Virgo. Hence I avoid too much Solaramd  Mercurial energies. I avoid having too much Wood element  (which is ruled by Mercury). I use green minimally in my surroundings. i use a lot of water element to balance the hot Sun energies, and airy Mercury element in my chart. Instead i focus more on the West direction ruled by Shanidev/ Saturn,  who is highly beneficial for me. I worship Varuna, the ruler of West, for his oceanic blessings. I opt to  be Chilled out..  ;)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Saturn Retro 2012: Voluntary Backwards Fall

Saturn Retro's a time for regression for Saturn ruled  people. This year, I'm voluntarily Regressing. Falling backwards in time. In hometown Guwahati. In a Karmic voyage into the insides of my soul. Inland waterways of complex, fragmented journeys. Introspection. Retrospection. Contemplating into the past years crossed. Also voluntarily drowning  in the compulsory fragmentation inherent during Saturn Retro. Drowning voluntarily in backwaters. Bogs and inland waterways of forgotten memories. Listening and discovering songs such as this; Jeff Beck magic. I'm experiencing an inward folding, collapsing.
In my daily journals and accounts, I'm finding a lot of stark contrast/opposition with daily journal of Saturn Retro 2009. Whereas in 2009, I was in Will To Power, focussed, objective mode. This year finds me flowing all over the terrain. Like a fragmented, wanderlust, rouge river. without any direction or path. In a subjective, mood, cloudy and dispersed. Voluntary regression. Journals of overflooding archives. Fragmented cobwebs of vague notions.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Chronicle 07: Pitra Tarpan ritual at Haridwar..

On Monday, 20th Mar, 2012, I visited Haridwar with client/ friend Ila  Jain and her sister in law. We went to Shanti Kunj ashram and performed Pitra Tarpan ritual to absolve Pitra Dosh effects in our birth charts. In earlier posts I had explained how astrologer Savita Jain had revealed Pitra Dosh in my horoscope, in form of Saturn+ Ketu in my 9th house. After knowing this I began a series of tributes, ritual dedicated to the Pitras and began this blog especially dedicated to Pitra Karma. For long I had wanted to visit  Haridwar and perform a Pitra Tarpan ritual under a enlightened, vedic priest. But as in the case of all pending Karmic blockage, I always found the way blocked.
So finally when my client Ila Jain who was relative of astrologer Savita ji, told she was going to Haridwar to perform the same, I was considerably elated. Sometimes we need that strategic / small external intervention to help us when our own ways are blocked. So i came over to her place overnight so that i wouldnt miss the early morning departure to Haridwar. But early Monday morning, I awoke with severe acidity, heartburn, gas, palpitation, giddiness. It would be impossible for me to go to Haridwar as nothing was subsiding the acid levels. But Ila Ji being the wise host, offered me 1/4 glass of cold milk. Sometimes we need that small friendly intervention to help us when our own ways are blocked. Slowly the giddiness, heartburn, extreme disorientation seemed to be lessened. And finally we somehow set out to Haridwar.

Shanti Kunj ashram was a big campus full of medicinal gardens, hostels, prayer halls, temples... the whole works!!. Because of Savita ji's references, a dedicated priest took the three of us seperately and did an exclusive Pitra Tarpan ritual for us. He explained EACH and EVERY step of the Tarpan ritual, its significances, philosophies, dedications. A ritual which takes max five minutes by rogue priests took us more than TWO HOURS!! They didnt charge/ fleece us. Whatever WE felt comfortable to offer to the charitable trust of the ashram was accepted. A FAR cry from the usual experience of religious rituals!! Later we went to the ganges and offered Tarpan offerings of wheat/ flour to the gigantic fish swimming in its clear, clean refreshing cool waters. Ghat no 16 was farway from the maddening crowdes and felt heavenly...!!
The only crowds were schools of fish that crowded to eat our food offerings.
I thank the Pitras, Lord Vishnu, and my client Ila Jain for creating this graceful opportunity. My thousand thanks to astrologer Savita Jain who had enlightened us about Pitra Dosh, and guided us to right channel of Shanti Kunj ashram at Haridwar. Om Pitra Ganay Namah...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saturn Retro 2012: Ideal time for Karmic repayment

Every year Saturn goes retrograde for 4.5 months. For Saturn ruled people, its time for hibernation, retreat, regression, moving bakwards. And ideal time for Karmic Repayment! However, for Sun ruled people its time for progress, positivity, energy and speed. Since 2005, I have heavily researched and tried to utilise this annual Saturn retro period. Those years, when i've sufficiently moved backwards/ regressed during Saturn retro, rest of the year i enjoyed PROGRESSION. Like how an arrow pulled back by a bow, later flies ahead. And Vice Versa.
This year I experienced regression during Saturn retro in another level altogether. We had to shift house TWICE within a single month. A long deferred decision which we had been pending for past SIX years finally caught up with us. Father in law came for cystoscopy and i stayed one week in medicity. Plumbing problems, water isuues, chaos, rupture. This time, I've timely scheduled my annual Karmic repayment time. Hope, I'm able to clear a lot of pending Karma during Saturn Retro 2012.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Chronicle 06: Different Schemes of Repayment

Sometimes we pay back pending Karmic payments in long term easy installments. And sometimes we have to payback in extreme/acute high repayments. For me, a period of high repayments was taking place in February, 2012. After dilly dallying, delaying, postponing house change for past FIVE years, we finally had to shift house TWICE in February.  Like a long avoided, deferred payment, which finally catches up with you. WITH HIGH ACCUMULATED INTEREST. And pay I had to, with every pore of my body, mind and soul. While writing this post with an aching body, tired mind, I'm realising the existence of accumulating interests. Would'nt it have been much better to pay in easier terms and conditions. But, at least one long OVERpending FIVE YEAR delayed karmic repayment got over in a single month! Whew! For now!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chronicle 05: Prayers to Pitamah Bhishma

21st Feb, Tuesday.  Yesterday was Shivratri, I was praying in a peripheral Shiva temple next to the crematorium between Nehru Place and Kalkaji mandir. Two serpent gods adorn both sides of the entrance door. It was the ideal location for homage to Pitras. After offering the customary offerings to shiva, i moved to a section dedicated to Pitamah Bhisma. Today being Shivaratri, people thronged around Shiva and I could sit peacefully in front of Pitamah Bhisma and meditate. On the battlefield of Kurukshetra Pitamah Bhishma laid on a bed of arrows. From Arjunas bow. And lord Krishna blessing him with salvation (moksh). It was an analogy to those of  us suffering from Pitra Dosh. On a bed of arrows we lay, until the Lord blessed us with slavation. The timeless drama repeated over and over again.

By evening a childhood friend of mine, who had not been in touch for donkeys years, called me out of the blue. His name is one of the synonyms for Lord Bhishma. I had always bitched about him not keeping in touch. But few hours after prayers to Pitamah Bhisma, he called after a gap of years!! Ultimately it's OUR OWN Karma which blocks us. No point bitching about others. Once absolved, it automatically removes barriers and blocks. And that's what I experienced yesterday. Practically.
Om pitra-ganay vidamahe, jagat dharinaye dhimahi, tanno Pitra prachodyat.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Chronicle 04: Processing Karmic Quotas

In the earlier post, I narrated my expreience with house shifting Karma. And today, after long, exhausting house shifting process, I can actually feel a lot of pending Karma reduce. You can see the symptoms of reduced Karmic quotas in the environment around you. Things that were previously blocked will gently start to open up. Only you would understand the difference. All of us have our own quotas of pending karmic  to be processed. We can accelerate the process by service, forbearnce, wisdom, compassion, helping people, vedic rituals, offerings to the almighty. Also by choosing to undergo certain fasts, voluntary sufferings. Main thing is to be aware of pending karma. And beging processing.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chronicle 03: Karmic Quotas

30th Jan, 2012. Today whole day was packing, cramming stuff, transferring cartons into our new rental place at vasant kunj. Somehow, we're doing our own packing and shifting instead of calling movers and packers. Yesterday whole day I was down with acidity, gas breathlessness amidst piles of household stuff, sacks, bags, dust etc. But at least in this ghoulish process, I'm finally climbing some LONG pending Karmic mountains. Whenever we voluntarily choose to address long pending issues, fears, we begin the process of clearing Karmic debts.

Since last six years of our married life, my wife has wanting to shift into a larger place. We saw 40 plus houses last year alone, but always some glitch, fault, inetrnal blockage postponed our shifting decision. And the blockage, postponement, apprehension was always from my side. I felt a mountain of apprehension about moving out of our current place at GK II. Even though the place was very small, had a vast terrace and a feelgood factor/radiance that made all houses we saw not seem nice. We had a extraordinary relation with our landlord and late landlady. and intense confort zone in GKII, masjid moth. Somehow I didnt want to move out of our coccon/ safe haven. Especially during our current unfavourable planetary transits. But this 29th Dec, when we 're hit with the news of Sangeetas father having been diagnosed with cancer and that he had to come for treatment to Delhi, we suddenly NEEDED a larger place in the shortest posssible time. And we just closed on a house immedeatly as soon as we saw it.
We saw 56+ houses since last 5 years and kept delaying, deciding for endless months. But suddenly we had to move in a span of a week.

What exactly happened here? All these years, the pending Karma related to house shifting was getting reduced. Finally one day the quota of perplexity and vexation to be experienced got over. And  then we just moved. Yes, its all about Karmic quotas in the end. You have to finish your own quota of prarabdh (pending) Karma. Before moving on.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chronicle 02: Confessing before the Pitra/ Preta...

28th jan, 1am, midnight. Just finished watching M Night Shyamalans movie "Devil", for the second time. Five people trapped in a lift. One of them is the devil. All the people in the lift are guilty of grave sins. Finally everyone dies at the devil's hands as he claims their souls. Except one who confesses.  About his secret sin. And the devil.. spares his soul.
Shyamalan's Devil has been portrayed to be the equivalent of Vedic Pitras/ Pretas. Who keeps track of our secret sins and punishes us accordingly. Even if we have buried our secret sins deep inside our souls. So deep that we ourseleves have forgotten them. And confessing/ acceptance is the only way to be spared from hell.
TODAY, I am going through a difficult phase and last few days have been really severly difficult for me. The movie Devil has been an eye opener/ sign for me. I take this opportunity to express that I myself am totally responsible for this suffering that I'm currently going through. It was mine own arrogance, vanity, superiority complex that has led to my current downfall. I DID NOT recognize/accept the good blessings when they were sent my way. And hence today have to  suffer the consequence of my own arrogance/ vanity/ indifference. On this blog of preta/ pitra karma I want to express that it is the ghost of our own sins that return to haunt us. Like I am being now. I have expressed to at least three friends about the cause of my own current problem. May the Pitras/ Pretas  forgive me for my blind vanity/ arrogance. I pray for salvation. I pray for forgiveness on this public domain.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Chronicle 01: Arriving to Karmic Conclusions

This blog has gone through multitudes of topic/ subject changes before I finally arrived to begin talking about the topic closest to my heart and soul: past pending Karma. In my life, I have pursued years of astrology, worship, religion, philosophic enquiry, metaphysics, analysis only to finally discover one deeply personal truth:  the Irrevocable Effects of past/ Pending Karma in our present life. Every breath of our "Now', current existence is loaded with invisible effects of past, pending Karmas. And only when we ACKNOWLEDGE this, can we begin to make some sense of our current physical existence.
Prior to this, I was trying so hard to forcibly talk/ speak about topics that were FAR removed from my daily reality, my daily existence. But whats the point of writing a blog unless it's about something Real. But today, when I write this sentence, I feel some strange kind of relief/ release. I am finally talking about the most important subject of  my life: Karma, especially Past/ pending Karma. EVERYDAY I go through the physical effects of pending Karmic issues. EVERDAY I interact with people going through the Harvest of their Karmic sowings. Everyday, every hour, every minute and second. So much information, experiences, inference to draw from. But even THIS moment was exquisitely designed, so that is that. Every issue, every funda of my daily life had SO MUCH of pending Karmic effects.